50 fanfic100 fics! This calls for a celebration! :D

Oct 30, 2007 02:04

Two years ago, I signed up for fanfic100 (thinking it would only take me a year or less to finish, heh). On October 16th, 2005, I posted my first fanfic100 fic, "The Importance of Coffee in Life-or-Death Situations." I like to believe I have improved since then, honed my "craft" as it were. 'Cause if well over fifty stories hasn't made me a better writer, I just don't know what will! XD

Getting back on topic, I thought it might be fun to actually do something to mark this occasion. But first!
BONUS ENDING for " Wearing Pants":
And when they woke up a month later to find they were women again, they were understandably put out.

Dr. Fate was called in again and changed his previous diagnosis of a spell with a time limit to a curse timed to the phases of the moon. He offered to try to fix it, but after speaking together privately, Booster and Beetle decided to just leave well enough alone for the time being.

They felt they were just too good at being lesbians to give it up entirely.


Wasn't that fun?! :D

Okay, now that my fiftieth fic has well and truly been written, let's get back to the subject of how I intend to shout out "Woot!" to the universe.


Here's the deal: You go through My Big Damn List and pick a favorite scene from any of my fics. I'll scribble that scene. I make no promises about the quality of the scribble, but I will try to do something (even if it's just stick figures) for every request.

And for easier access, I now present a list of all fifty completed fics, in order of writing! Date written, name, and prompt they met:
2005/10/16 | The Importance of Coffee in Life-or-Death Situations | 039. Taste.
2005/10/16 | Leery Green | 014. Green.
2005/10/18 | Like Pirates and The Matrix | 079. When?
2005/10/20 | Breakfast of Stallions | 056. Breakfast.
2005/10/21 | Better Seduction Through Science | 032. Sunset.
2005/10/27 | Legends and Long-johns | 002. Middles.
2005/10/31 | Long Live | 001. Beginnings.
2005/11/02 | Speaker Phone Confessional 026. Teammates.
2005/11/11 | Thoughts Build Our Life Of Tomorrow | 004. Insides.
2005/11/14 | Eating Out | 058. Dinner.
2005/11/16 | A Little Broken Inside | 019. White.
2005/11/18 | Mostly Okay | 067. Snow.
2005/11/20 | Legacies and Traditions | 028. Children.
2005/12/07 | Many Happy Returns | 005. Outsides.
2005/12/08 | In The Dark | 074. Dark.
2005/12/12 | A Tale of Times | 022. Enemies
2005/12/12 | Losing The Game | 038. Touch.
2005/12/16 | One Bug, Two Bug, Dead Bug, Blue Bug | 071. Broken.
2005/12/24 | Midst Of Rough Earthliness | 012. Orange.
2005/12/26 | Missing The Point | 087. Life
2005/12/29 | Peculiar Teleology | 072. Fixed.
2005/12/30 | Wonderful | 033. Too Much.
2006/01/05 | Good Intentions | 037. Sound.
2006/01/12 | Smell Of Shine | 036. Smell.
2006/01/29 | Harmonious Discourse | 076. Who?
2006/02/13 | Handled | 041. Shapes.
2006/03/02 | Rallentando | 031. Sunrise
2006/03/14 | Maris Dachshund Doesn't Dance | 044. Circle.
2006/04/19 | Sanguine Suspicion | 011. Red.
2006/04/21 | The Redemption of Booster Gold | 081. How?
2006/08/22 | Theory of Cycles | 029. Birth.
2006/08/27 | Sweet Surprise | 059. Food.
2006/09/22 | Reunification | 003. Ends.
2006/09/24 | Given Value of Weird | 053. Earth.
2006/11/27 | Mourning Becomes | 086. Choices.
2007/02/15 | For Love Of An Absent-Minded Scientist | 009. Months.
2007/02/25 | Would Willingly Submit | 080. Why?
2007/03/06 | Horseshoes and Hand Grenades | 090. Home.
2007/04/21 | Rules For Dating Your Best Friend's Sister | 024. Family.
2007/04/30 | Searching For Teds | 078. Where?
2007/05/13 | In Memory | 021. Friends
2007/05/27 | Five Times Jerry Falwell Did Not Approve | 047. Heart.
2007/06/18 | Geeks In Love | 023. Lovers.
2007/07/24 | Never Had Wings | 043. Square.
2007/07/24 | Dirty Cage | 070. Storm.
2007/07/29 | Public Service | 077. What?
2007/09/05 | Not Touching | 054. Air.
2007/09/09 | First Snow | 061. Winter.
2007/10/05 | Taking Over Me | 049. Club.

Lookit that! Ain't it pretty!? XD
Have at, folks! :D

Extra Fun:
Feel one of the above fics is deserving of special recognition? Nominate/Vote for it! "Most Angsty"? "Smuttiest"? "Close But No Cigar (Rewrite!)"? "WTF-fest"? "Pile O' Fluff"? Whatever! Use these or come up with "categories" of your own! Or not! It's up to you. ^_^

slash-goggles are a go!, character: ted kord, pairing: boostle, character: nameless extras, smrt doc is smrt, babble, fanfic, character: michael carter, gender-blender

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