Hee! ::loves:: It's the expectations that kill us. I thought I'd have a love-fest on my VD post, and nobody wanted to do it, therefore OMG NOBODY LOVES ME. And I told Mr. Posh not to get me anything because it annoys me how this is a fake holiday so card companies can get rich. So he didn't. And then I felt bad BECAUSE HE OBVIOUSLY DOESN'T LOVE ME. He was all, "please stop sending me mixed messages now. Kthxbye."
I'm just trying to cling to the thought that today will soon be over, and then my sanity might return. No promises, of course.
You don't have to reply to this, because YOUR LOVE IS OBVIOUS. :0P
But if I did not reply to this, would my love still be obvious?! These questions plague me late at nice, like little mice running across my face. *nibbles you*
Wow, that is soooo weird, because I know how those of us who enjoy your posts feel about you. But just one of those strange things. I got comments and - I mean, seriously, I do *nothing* in fandom beyond cooing once in a while over the wonderful fic, meta and general squee.
Anyway, although I am *very* aware that you're cool about this I am here, so I want you to know that I perk up everytime I see you post, and that has been the case since you had your blog (and when I think about that blog I always thing "melting bunnies" - you had a dream once and, I dunno - huh -) so thank you for that feeling.
Also, can I mention that I realize that not getting comments doesn't reflect how people might feel about me? And ditto for everyone else. And OMG I cannot post anything without qualifying it six different ways!!!! *explodes from neurosis*
I don't know what this game is, it's obviously very complicated, but I just thought I'd drop by and give you some VD. Uh, I mean, V-Day LOVE. That's it, yeah.
Comments 23
I'm just trying to cling to the thought that today will soon be over, and then my sanity might return. No promises, of course.
You don't have to reply to this, because YOUR LOVE IS OBVIOUS. :0P
Anyway, although I am *very* aware that you're cool about this I am here, so I want you to know that I perk up everytime I see you post, and that has been the case since you had your blog (and when I think about that blog I always thing "melting bunnies" - you had a dream once and, I dunno - huh -) so thank you for that feeling.
Hee. You and your neurosis are adorable.
I like to believe that we are so universally adored that everybody was afraid of saying anything for fear of making the WHOLE WORLD JEALOUS.
*slips you a Valentine in sekrit*
*loves you too*
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