Meh. I'm freaking out because I haven't eaten lunch (there seems to be a direct correlation between not eating lunch and freaking out) and of course, my boss picks now to send me my evaluation. My analytical skills only "meet" expectations while my interpersonal skills "exceed" them? I don't talk to anyone. I suppose that leads to not having
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Somehow I seem to expect my thoughts to be perfectly formed and internally consistent before I can express them. They rarely (if ever) are. On the other hand, neither are anyone else's.
I am usually (but not always) the last person in the lab at night. I am hardly ever the first person in. Every once in a while, when I get really busy, I stay really late and am the last one here and the first one in. It always feels a bit weird because I'm here for such a long time by myself.
I would be curious if everyone's power bird is a cardinal, because I've only ever seen the results be cardinal. It would be funny if the test only returned that one result, no matter what you put in.
Oh. I'm trying to figure out how many samples I need to run to get significance based on my pilot studies and I swear this is the most mind numbingly boring thing ever. Not to mention having to go through my notebook and find all the various pieces of data. Shoot me now.
Bought a bike! A road bike, from REI. Went out riding with B last night (briefly). Almost ran into him when we had to stop for a train crossing (Ahhh! Where are the brakes on this thing!?) Other than that, it was good and I now know (1) where the brakes are and (2) that I can get out of my pedals pretty fast and (3) my old bike was very heavy
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Or, "fun" as the case may be. I remember this is something I used to do. Even down to reading journal articles just because they looked interesting (hence the quotes). Trying it again.