when I read 'Minerva', I first thought we were talking about Miredy

May 31, 2010 12:02

First things first: Your 5 votes...
1. x
2. x
3. x
4. x
5. x

Name/Nickname: Hannah
Age: 19
Stamped as: Rhys / Class: Troubadour / Laguz Class: Heron / Affinity: Light / Stereotype: Lena / Nationality: Crimea / Villain: Shiharam / Match: Boyd / Parents: Geoffrey & Astrid / Best Friend: Mia / Sibling: Geoffrey / Rival: Karel / Mirror: Lalum / Laguz Mirror: Hawk / Lovechild Mirror: Nailah & Leanne
Do you mind being stamped for characters you've been stamped already? (specify which characters you DON'T want to have again in this stamp)
I'm looking for a: (asking for both a boyfriend and a girlfriend is not allowed)
[x] boyfriend
[ ] girlfriend
[ ] everything goes/doesn’t matter

::Mirror, mirror on the wall
What kind/type of clothes do you wear on daily basis? I have a girly but casual style, maybe kind of indie? C: (My friends say I dress like a classy hippie, whatever that means, ahaha.) I like to wear flowing skirts and dresses in solid colors, or with cute floral patterns, but more often I wear jeans or shorts, just because they're more practical. (Better yet, pair a cute dress with some skinny jeans YEEES.) I have some nicer tops for colder weather, but generally I like to wear as little as possible, so I love comfortable, solid color Tshirts. C: For shoes, I usually wear some cute sandals or gladiators, but I like converse, too! I'm always wearing my purity ring, and I like to accessorize with simple necklaces, hairpins, rings, nail polish and stuff~ ouo
Which colors do you usually wear? Blues, greens, greys, whites and blacks. Blue and green seem to look good on me, for some reason. I've been told they bring out my eyes...? ouo
Would you rather look good or be comfortable? Definitely both. I don't feel confident if I'm wearing something uncomfortable, but I also pick clothes that I think look nice. C: Casual but nice? |D
:: The Lover
When you met someone new, what catches your interest first? If they're wearing a nice scent or have an attractive deep voice. I am a SUCKER for those two things. xD Then it's more like their behavior and how they carry themselves, like if they seem laid-back and confident. As for appearance...I kind of don't care as much, but I like a great smile, tan skin, taller/bigger guys, and a strong body. (Like muscular is fine, but not necessarily overly so.)
Three major turn-ons? (physical traits only) A great smile, strong and toned figure, confident body language
Three major turn-offs? (physical traits only) Really skinny figure, lots of acne, untidiness (like dandruff, greasy hair, or facial hair that isn't neatly trimmed)

Post AT LEAST three pictures of yourself, including one full-body (No Fire Emblem!Cosplay allowed) OR write an accurate description of your looks

Anything else? These are a little old, but I'm too lazy to upload new photos right now. 8D;;

!needs stamp, mirror match: tibarn

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