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TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for
envythesunshine are close by:
- manukai1980, colormefat, freyjamango, splishsplashin, misskittykat23, witchbaby007 (300 - 350)
- jruggsthelette, big_icp1, theravenflower, rockykitten, breakmynails, xdreamsxofxyoux, lorimadrox14, twiz_juggalette, rhinocerotic (350 - 400)
- electricfancy, wikid_doll, jokajokac, skorpiain, samswivesunite, weh8boiz, stucking_foned (400 - 450)
- mewgoesthecat, nerdyjeff, cwl989, xsamrichardsx, leaveit__behind, __angelajuker, _landmarks, fabiownsyourmom, mohawkzrsexy11, fo_serious, clarelonetti, _beautydisaster, shootembangbang, blakehawbaker, midnight_fevers, falseforecast, __redxwedding, rayefrenzy, lunatiq, 2bwhatiam, danyello, shellyschweitz (450 - 500)
- tocomment24, harrypudder, tesquyla, upcdaisy, lavenderseaslug, phantom_demon, thacaregiven, samisnow, dark_carni_dani, cosmomckinley, atomic_nebula, penguinspam, aijael, reonak, snefru, starsinyoursky, nfn, muse3030 (500 - 550)
- renegadesofbunk, hey_duckshirt, flavia_sneech, johnjuan616, mzrogue, tuzanoore, chaimrad, quenanna, queenlonie, tonyablaze, gemstar21, xxxstupidcowxxx, twinsgirl18 (550 - 600)
- basilpsyche, squigish, aramistin, galactic_spiral, theanti1337, serme_sara, elika326, princesvalntino, retsuookami, michaeltheninja, rayefitch23, satanayomaster, michellexxx, glitter_gatz (600 - 650)
- vincentkdivine, andy_venom, downola, deathoftheomega, arikcannon (650 - 700)
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TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends