It was raining out the back so I waited for Mum to wake up and got her to open the Adventure Door for me - but it's raining out there as well! Is there anywhere it's not raining?
OK, I'm not the greatest web writer in the world but, y'know, I'm pretty damn good for a cat. Anyway, this is Mum and her friends at Kate's Halloween party!
I sometimes wish Mum would cut it out with the babytalk. I mean, seriously, "Climb on board the Mummy Express to Sleepytown"? I'm going to be 12 on Monday, I'm not a kitten anymore! It's not even as if she knows the way to Sleepytown anyway. She tosses and turns half the night. Sleeping on top of that woman is like trying to sleep on a mechanical
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Aha! My old nemesis, the-mysterious-thing-under-the-bedclothes, returned tonight. But I was swift and lithe and I defeated it once again. The bed is safe to sleep in and Mum need fear no more - for now.
Having recently heard of the work of Pavlov, I'm doing some research on my own. I'm trying to condition Mum so that when I start drooling, she feeds me. So far the results are pretty good, although sometimes it's still several hours between the dribbling and the feeding. I'm hoping to improve that time.
And she's forgiven now. She's never ever going away again. Ever. *glares at everyone in LJ land*. I am employing the
tried and true "sit on Mum so she can't move" technique to ensure her continued presence at home.
I just did a webtest and it told me I was a crocodile. But then I did another one and it told me I was a cat. I'd still prefer to be a cushion, except for the being sat on bit.