Who: Squall, Selphie, Irvine, Zell, um, whoever else is at what's left of Balamb Garden really... Where: See above. er, Balamb Garden. When: Right after arrival. What: Lots of "Aw shit..."
Who: AU!Zell and AU!Seifer Where: Downtown Timber When: After the FFVIII world is FUBARed What: Zell goes to see Seifer for some new ink. Just random sceanage between two of the AU!boys before they meet their counterparts.
Who: Selphie, Squall, Leon, Irvine, and Zell Where: Trabia Training Center When: Right after Squall and Selphie get back with the Book and their passenger What: So now the world is going to hell, what do you want to do?
Who: Returners and Avalanche people for the most part. Basically, anyone who's been invited. Security at the castle is at an all-time high, so no one can just randomly show up.
Where: Figaro Castle
When: As soon as everyone's arrived and settled in.
What: Thus begins the Council of Elrond...er, that 'time to destroy Kefka....again' discussion
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The streams of golden light played across the green field, and the stone ruins that were off in the distance. His jaw tightened, the time had arrived. The moment he had planned for, had secluded himself for, and sacrificed so many creatures to the progression of his knowledge.
Who: Relm, Eiko, Celes, Mog...Cid, if he's still around and wants in. Or anyone else that could conceivably be in Thamasa and knows Relm. Where: Thamasa When: Just after the Relm/Strago scene posted. Rating: No violence, no sex...some swearing (or a lot if Cid's involved), take that as you will.
Edit: Please, don't double up on responses to posts...it makes things SO much more confusing. If Cloud has replied to Yuna, for example, please reply to Cloud's post instead of Yuna's post...or start another thread. We'll get backlogged and confused if we don't. Thanks!
Vegnagun BattleRating: Violence, violence and more violence
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What: Ellone leaves Garden Who:Ellone, Laguna, Ward and Kiros are welcome...Squall also or that can be a seperate scene. When: Current? How soon is now? ooc finally getting this started since my schedule is wacko ( what to keep )