List of All Things Fandom-y

Nov 10, 2029 04:30


        Untitled - Gen, Ironman-centric; ficlet

       Untitled - Gen; ficlet

Fullmetal Alchemist:
        Julia - RoyxEd
        What Might Have Been - RoyxEd
        The Stars We Could Reach - Ed & Al, Gen
        Serendipity - HavocxFuery
        Gracia - HughesxFuery
        Fraternization - ArcherxHand, MustangxHavoc
        Once In A Lifetime - AlfonsxHohenheim
        How To Save A Life - Elricest
        Touch - Elricest; EdxArmor!Al
        Tobacco - HavocxFuery; drabble
       Not Small - Elricest; drabble
       Snowflakes - Elricest; drabble
       Hate - Envy Centric; drabble
        These Marks Between Us - Elricest; Collab. with apoca_lypse
        All These Ghosts Of You - Elricest; Collab. with apoca_lypse

Harry Potter:
        Great Disaster - SS/HP
        Eulogy of a Good Man - Implied SS/HP; Character Death
        The Witching Hour - SS/HP
        Wreck The Malls - DM/HP
       Party - OW/HP; ficlet
       Distance - hint of SS/SB; drabble
       Sleepy - SS/SB/RL; drabble
        Mirror, Mirror - DM, LM; drabble
        Where Does God Come From? - HP, SB; drabble
        Eyes Wide Shut - DM Centric; drabble
        Twisted Absolution - LM, ???; drabble

Gundam Wing:
        Untitled - 1x2, 2x5
        College Student - Heero Centric; ficlet

Lord of the Rings:
        Steward of Gondor - Merry/Pippin

Pirates of the Caribbean:
        The Way It Was Meant To End - Jack/Elizabeth; drabble
        Branding Iron - touch of Beckett/Sparrow; drabble

Superman Returns:
        Flying - Superman/Lois; drabble


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