Previous Game Index, Preserved for Posterity

May 07, 2017 23:47

No longer accurate since the move to Dreamwidth; preserved here just in case it proves useful to people trying to track down older threads.


Welcome to Fandom High, a multidimensional high school for canon characters of any and all fictional fandoms, nestled above Fandom Town at the highest point of Fandom Island, currently located off the coast of Maryland, USA. All characters who attend will receive the finest of educations, if you can avoid the dangers of detention, the gremlins, and the wrath of your friendly principal - or your fellow students for that matter.

Fandom High, the game, is an ongoing story about that school: a text-based non-commercial, non-official roleplaying game. It's a large, cooperative, constantly changing work of fanfiction, guided by a team of administrators but with plenty of room for players to create their own ongoing storylines or just enjoy writing everyday interactions between the characters. These storylines and interactions are created purely for personal entertainment, with no intent or possibility of deriving a profit from copyrighted characters or settings.

Fandom High is played via journals and communities on Livejournal. The game was created in 2005, and is not affiliated with the "Fandom High" meme on Instagram. Due to the possibility of mature storylines and scenes, all players must be at least 18 years of age. Application information can be found in the OOC reference section below!

In-Game Reference

Maps, Lodgings, Area Descriptions: Maps: Island (Summer 2016: In Spaaace) | Campus | School building | Dorms | Haunted House on Ingvar Islet
What's Where? Player/game canon on on Town, Dorms and Classrooms
Lodging/Office Directories: Teacher Offices | School Dorms ( Room Change Request Page)
Town (Comment to request use of a vacant address for lodging or business) | MCA | MHA | Arms Hotel

IC Calendars and Schedules: Academic Calendar - 2016/2017 | Spring 2017 Class Schedule/ Roster

Character Directories: (How To Use Them)

Fandom | Character Name | Player Name | Journal Name | Character Type | E-Mail Address

-----Students | Freshmen - Sophomores - Juniors - Seniors
-----Permanently Retired Characters

Birthday List (ooc knowledge) | Character Abilities (ooc knowledge)

Business Directories Individual Business Entries | Yellow Pages

OOC Reference

The Basics: Player Handbook | Basic RP Guidelines | Meta and the 4th Wall | FH Meta Wiki | Fandom Radio and You! | 10 Things Every Newbie Should Know

Character Rules and Applications:

So You're Thinking About Joining Fandom High! Here's What You Should Know | Student/Teacher Application Policies | Townie Application Policies | Applying From A Canon That Already Has Players In The Game | Activity Requirements | Transferring A Character To Another Status | Bringing Back Characters You Dropped | Character and Fandom Limits | Application Tips

Character Application Form

----- Teachers - Closed until July | Sample Application | Read more here before applying.
----- Students - Closed until July | Sample Application | Read more here before applying.
----- Townies - Open! | Sample Application | Read more here before applying.
                         * Directory Form for new business owners, once accepted.

Character Drop Form

Journals: User Info Requirements | Friending List | Communities, Journals, and What Gets Posted Where | PB Usage and gallery

Your Administration and Fellow Players: The Admins: Your Admin Team | Contacting the Admins! | What Those People Actually Do
The Players: Character Directory Sorted by Player (Players marked "Private" will still list a contact e-mail)
Player Phone Tree (unofficial, voluntary)

Policies: Player Handbook | Basic RP Guidelines | Activity Requirements | Character and Fandom Limits/Caps | Teachers/Students: School Year | Teachers/Students: Summer Camp | Townies | Alumni and Expatriates ~ Alum/Expat Activity Checks | Transferring A Character To Another Status | Dropped Characters | Picking Up New Character Abilities | IC School Rules, Security, and Getting Into Trouble | Guidelines on Handling Sensitive Topics

Plots and Events: Plotting Community | When to Submit Plots to the Admins | Plot-Runner Help | Plot-Beta Help | Plot Submission Form | Character Abilities (informal) | Plot Calendar*

Fandoms: Character Directory sorted by Fandom | Spotlight on Fandoms

How-To: Make an LJ Cut | Link to a journal, a post, or another website | Insert an image into your entry | Use friends filters (basic) | Choose workable LJ comment styles | Tips & Tricks For a Better RP-ing Experience on LJ | Code Preplays | Noah's Pre-Play Coder | Ana's Pre-Play Coder | Make Class-Schedule Tables | Backdating/Postdating | Useful Extensions and Toys | Collected technical posts

* Please keep in mind that plots still need to be run by the administration for approval and that the plot calendar changes often. Please contact the admins if you're looking for a specific date.

Joining Fandom High as a student or teacher requires filling out an application form on the website during one of our open application periods. These periods open a few weeks before each semester begins (Fall: August, Spring: November/December, Summer: April). Applications for townie characters use the same application form, but are always open.

You will need to be invited to join these communities if your application is accepted. If you have received notification of acceptance to join fandomhigh and have read all the rules and regulations, you will be instructed how to join the communities. If you have not received this notification, please email fandomhighadmins [at] iambicnut [dot] com.

Official Game Communities:

fandomhigh - Fandom High (IC - for classes and school-related activities)
fandomhighdorms - Dorms (IC - for public on campus activities)
fandomtownies - Fandom Townies (IC - for all in town activities)
fandom_radio - WTFH Pirate Radio (IC - daily recap of in-character events)
fandomhigh_ooc - OOC community for announcements and official business
fhplotterywheel - OOC community for discussion of plots and brainstorming

fandom_lounge - (IC - Teachers' Lounge)
fandomassistant - (IC - TA lounge)
fandom_clinic - (IC - Fandom Town Emergency Clinic)
fhightimes - Fandom High Times (IC - school newspaper)
fh_im - Fandom High Instant Messenger (IC - for character IM logs, Twitter "feeds", fake Facebook posts and any other fake electronic and social media interactions that are open to interaction.)
fh_alumni - Fandom High Alumni (IC - for our graduates)

organizational, obsolete

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