I was sad that artpad is still broken and shows no signs of ever working again, but then I found Queeky. It's buggy and the ToS is lulzy, but maybe those things will be worked out
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Jonathan Lapper's Frames of Reference [watch] is a free-association video set to music, with clips from 158 movies.
"following the whipping scenes, I show a Cary Grant reaction shot as if he were witnessing Ingrid Bergman and Lana Turner being whipped like horses by Spencer Tracy. If you want a comedic reaction shot to a barely disguised S&M
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A conversation with ratcreature leads me to ask: is there an artfinders community? Most fandoms seem to have at least one fic finding community. And how I love them and squeeze them and hold them to my bosom, bless their summary-mangling little hearts! Very occasionally I see an art search at a ficfinders, and I've just now discovered that vidfinders exists, but is
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