Where: H'lam's Weyr Who: H'lam, Rhenzeth What: Post-flight, Rhenzeth and H'lam duke it out the way they always do - and as per usual, the young bronze makes his entirely valid point.
Where: Feeding Grounds, Benden Weyr Who: H'lam, Lyndee, Dallianth, Rhenzeth What: Dallianth teaches Rhenzeth the basics of hunting, while Lyndee joins the ranks of people trying to teach H'lam how to use his words.
Where: West Cavern Workroom Who: Fadra, Jakkal, P'draig, Tosolla What: Fadra makes the acquaintance of T'mic's spawn, who happens to be an Istan Candidate. ( I don't want to keep it a secret! )
Where: Patio & Garden, Benden Weyr Who: Esseira, H'lam What: More failed attempts at eliciting laughter from everyone's favorite vortex. ( Those who can count and those who can't. )
Where: Ista's Pool & Garden Who: Fadra, Sunniva What: Once Sulizath has shown off how awesome and troublesome he can be, the brownrider has a conversation with Sunniva about...well, about how awesome and troublesome he can be. ( grievously opposed )
Where: Garden, Fort Weyr Who: Berit, Zarai What: Berit sees fit to disrupt Zarai during his nap, and is therefore assaulted with overconfident good-nature and compliments as punishment.