So the guitar store I take lessons out of and bought my first guitar and amps from is owned by two guys who are in a sci-fi punk rock band called Invasion Earth
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There are times when I am so completely frustrated with the SCA that I want to go and find another hobby. (Even the politics in the JSA community isn't as bad as this sometimes.)
And then there are times in which I am reminded how absolutely fantastic the people we have are.
LJfind, despite what they say, seems to be able to have access to some friends locked posts, such that you can read the entire post. (test it yourself if you like...I found several that I KNOW I shouldn't have been able to read
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I have just found a place that will buy my Samsung Blackjack (yes, I did just break down and rehitch myself to AT&T this week), ( Reputable and will buy my Blackjack back for a price that makes the E62 and the replacement Blackjack totally free
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