The Main List!
Title: The Bouquet 1/ 23Rating: R, for future chapters. Angst... but I will include fluff later on :)
Pairing: Ohmiya
Disclaimer: I do not own Arashi yet... but we all have our dreams, right?
Note: I decided to take a new approach than what I usually do and write this Ohmiya fic in it’s own timeline without them being famous. Think of this story taking place in the late 50s or so...
I did base this story off of one of my favourite pictures of them (which I’ll post at the end of the story ^_^)Please enjoy!
Here is the link to "The Bouquet"
original character post~ Warning, there are spoilers.
Chapter List: Remember, flashbacks are in italics :)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapters Three & Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapters Seven & Eight
Chapters Nine & Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapters Twelve & Thirteen
Chapters Fourteen & Fifteen
Chapters Sixteen & Seventeen
Chapters Eighteen & Nineteen
Chapters Twenty & Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three + Epilogue
Enjoy! :D