Part: Part One (C) Title: In The Gryffindor Common Room Rating: PG for language. Characters: Remus, Sirius, James, Peter. Notes: Thanks to ank_the_tank for inspiring me to restart this story with the boys in a dorm.
Oh no! I'm sorry you had an awful day, but I'm super-glad it was imporved slightly :). You comepletely made my day, because I read your comment in my lunch hour at work :D
Hee! Thank you. I honestly don't know how they turned out so sexy, I'm totally looking for sim-like boys in the street. Obviously there are NONE! *woe.*
I have so much fun writing these, I promise to try and update regularly. :D Thanks again for the comment! Rx
I almost fell of my chair when Sirius did the 'RAWR' thing! I can't wait for them to grow into their faces, I kinda morphed them down from Young Adults and I think they're going through their 'awkward' teenage phase. Plus I want Sirius to grow sideburns damn it...GROW GROW GROW!
Comments 120
Thank you :) x
Thanks for being lovely. x
I have so much fun writing these, I promise to try and update regularly. :D Thanks again for the comment! Rx
Thanks :) x
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