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Tutorial for PS and PSP users! NO selectives! woohoo! :) Tutorial won't change color of ur pic that much, just will make it more contrasted and brignten-colours. Enjoy!
Open ur base.
Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Curves.
1st point: I 172 O 201
2nd point: I 30 O 34
1st point: I 182 O 191
2nd point: I 61 O 53
1st point: I 189 O 188
2nd point: I 65 O 70
1st point: I 123 O 118
2nd point: I 59 O 73
Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Color Balance.
Preserve luminosity is checked.
Midtones: -10; -11; -28
Shadows: +5; -11; +16
Highlights: +3; +11; -4
Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Brightness/Contrast
Brightness +2
Contrast +6
Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Hue/Saturation
Change Only Saturation!
Master: +25
Reds, Yellows, Greens, Cyans, Blues, Magentas - ALL to +15.
Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Levels.
Change Only Input Levels!
Channel RGB: 6 1,29 255
RED: 18 1,06 255
GREEN: 6 1,08 255
BLUE: 0 1,08 255
Now go to ur base, duplicate, place on top of all layers and set to Soft Light 50%. Then Duplicate ur Soft Light layer and set to Multiply, change opacity from 10 to 70%. And u'r done! :D It wasnt that hard, eh? :)
Here's PSD file (at sendspace):
Download me here! :) Other my tutorials, if u missed them:
Friend me at
vol4itca, comment and show me what u made with this tutorial! Hugs! :)
Other icons using the same technique: