It makes me sad and mad with myself that I only have the inspiration and confidence to write more now the fandom is quiet :( maybe it's only actually because its quieter that I feel less self conscious, but I find I'm producing all this stuff after ages of sitting back doing nothing and just going hmm there's no one left to see this lol
That sucks, but I also envy you. I feed off interaction with other people, and without that or lots of activity to keep my attention, I'm never inspired to do anything. Now that it's so quiet and all my friends have left fandom, I have no inspiration.
What fandom, anons? It seems almost everybody has fucked off to tumblr to post pictures - which is fine and all but LJ is so great for long tl;dr posts and meta and fic and all the stuff I find fun about fandom.
2nd poster, and I'm in NEWS. Most of the people on my tumblr aren't even posting NEWS stuff anymore. :| LJ is so much better for actually interacting with people and making friends.
For "involving Aiba" you mean he as the one doing the dark action? Or the other way? Sorry if I don't quite understand your request..
There is this fanfic called "The Fan", Aimiya, where Aiba is the one performing something "dark"
On the other hand, "Love Storm" and "Disjointed days of Aiba Masaki" are two WIP where Aiba went through some dark past, both Sakuraiba, from krystalkatzfics, it's a shame she dropped them :(
aridseas is what you're looking for: A lot of her fics deal with very heavy and dark themes and 99% of them are Aiba-centric. You won't regret reading any of her fics. It's a real pity the Arashi fandom lost one of its finest writers.
Fic about dark/twisted story. story1: all the members were good friends in front of the camera but reality they didn't like each other that much. all the fanservices, paparazzi photo seeing them shopping/hanging out, mentions each other name in their j-web/radio/interviews, all for the sake of fans only. they all wanna quit the group but the manager would allowed those action bcoz of the popularity they gained.
I think when the authors decided to write a multiple chapters of fanfic, they should write the whole story/half 1st, then post each chapter every week/month. just like a drama. I think that is better than writing one and post, write another chapter then post. It is painful to wait! AARRRRRRRRRGH!!!!! The one think i hate the most when RL got on their way, they decided not to continue the fanfic. Y R U NO CONTINUE? >:( Don't start something that you cannot finish it!
Writers, it's really awesome when you post daily/almost daily, it really is, so don't misundersand us; but we readers know that you also have a life, and it'll come a time when you can't make it for one day... or two... or a week, now, that's when our irrational side comes out and we complain about no updates
I read from both kind, and you all guys are great!! But I gotta say I prefer "scheduled updates" (like every Tuesday, or every 15 days...), I wait for it with more anticipation, like anon above said; like a drama! Also, you don't spoil me with posting like crazy and suddenly dissapear from this planet; it hurts D:
Comments 359
Junba, I haven't read anything good since the Sherlock Holmes AU.
Not the best English but she tells a good story. Definitely worth a read, if you're looking for something dark.
And a creepy Matsumiya:
As for Aiba... I don't know if I've read any recently. I'd love to see what others suggest.
There is this fanfic called "The Fan", Aimiya, where Aiba is the one performing something "dark"
On the other hand, "Love Storm" and "Disjointed days of Aiba Masaki" are two WIP where Aiba went through some dark past, both Sakuraiba, from krystalkatzfics, it's a shame she dropped them :(
aridseas is what you're looking for:
A lot of her fics deal with very heavy and dark themes and 99% of them are Aiba-centric. You won't regret reading any of her fics. It's a real pity the Arashi fandom lost one of its finest writers.
story1: all the members were good friends in front of the camera but reality they didn't like each other that much. all the fanservices, paparazzi photo seeing them shopping/hanging out, mentions each other name in their j-web/radio/interviews, all for the sake of fans only. they all wanna quit the group but the manager would allowed those action bcoz of the popularity they gained.
The one think i hate the most when RL got on their way, they decided not to continue the fanfic. Y R U NO CONTINUE? >:(
Don't start something that you cannot finish it!
Writers, it's really awesome when you post daily/almost daily, it really is, so don't misundersand us; but we readers know that you also have a life, and it'll come a time when you can't make it for one day... or two... or a week, now, that's when our irrational side comes out and we complain about no updates
I read from both kind, and you all guys are great!! But I gotta say I prefer "scheduled updates" (like every Tuesday, or every 15 days...), I wait for it with more anticipation, like anon above said; like a drama! Also, you don't spoil me with posting like crazy and suddenly dissapear from this planet; it hurts D:
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