I have an unused Sleepy Safari bassinet by Summer Infant. Jamison wouldn't sleep in it, so we got him a playard instead. Know anyone in need of a bassinett who'd like to get one at a discount?
Something I read recently has me curious about how much money people spend on food, so I'm posting a poll. I've made the results viewable only by me to preserve respondant privacy, but if others are curious I can post some general results.
I have received excellent recommendations for Zen Garden in Mill Creek. If I don't have a baby this week, I want to go on Saturday: http://www.zengardenmillcreek.com/dim_sum.htmRead more... )
I won a signed copy of Silver Borne. Yay! Hopefully it will come in time to dos ome reading this weekend. I could use some storytime.
Changeless just came out, too. That will require some baked goodies and tea to fully settle in and enjoy. Based on the first, it will just be that kind of book. Which is to say, fabulous and filled with tea