Title: Jealous of Senpai Fandom: Hey! Say! JUMP Pairing: YamaChii Rating: PG-15, just to be safe. Warnings: none Summary: I’m lazy sorry Notes: I am not good in English. Sorry for the grammatical error.
Author:Ro-chan~ Pairing:Yamachii, Yamajima, Chinen Yuri x OC Rating:pg-13 Summary:Chinen has always love Yamada but what if Yamada just see him as a little brother?
Author:Ro-chan~ Pairing:Yamachii, Yamajima, Chinen Yuri x OC Rating:pg-13 Summary:Chinen has always love Yamada but what if Yamada just see him as a little brother?
Author:Ro-chan~ Pairing:Yamachii, Yamajima, Chinen Yuri x OC Rating:pg-13 Summary:Chinen has always love Yamada but what if Yamada just see him as a little brother?