Master Fics List: Clexmas Bingo! Challenge Cards and Other Fics

Jan 01, 2032 12:00

Ok, looks like I may need a Master Fics List to help keep things straight, so here goes...

Please note that all fics are set in the Smallville-'verse and are Clex (or pre-Clex) fics unless otherwise indicated! :)

Here's my first clexmas Bingo! Challenge card (2011):

Dirty Talk
Heat / Hot Days / Sweaty
Fairytales / Folklore
Ghosts / Hauntings
Falling in Love
Fork in the Road
Wooing / Courtship
Pets / Stuffed Animals
Imprisonment / Captivity
Geographical Isolation
Kryptonite, Pink / Purple / Other
Food / Cooking / Mealtimes
Side Characters (involved or POV)
Castle / Mansion
Masters / Doms / Slaves / Subs
Harlequin AU / Historical AU
Inanimate Objects / Animals AU
Tight Spaces / Trapped
Bad Day
Cars / Trucks / Vehicular
Flying / Floating
...just for easy reference :)

Completed Bingo:

-- Tic-Tac-Toe --
Bad Day, Cars/Trucks/Vehicular, Flying/Floating:  Your Mileage May Vary

-- Postage Stamp --
Castle/Mansion, Anniversary, Tight Spaces/Trapped, Bad Day:  Past Future Echoes

Bingo In-progress:

-- Blackout --
Costumes: And Lo, The Stubborn Shall Inherit The Clark part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 -- pending/pimped out 2012-03-28 at smallville here, sv_fanfic here, sv_slash here, and old_school_clex here
Side Characters (involved or POV):  Inheriting Clark -- The Happy Bunny Version!
Camping: Cheater!!! -- posted 2011-07-09 -- pimped out 2012-03-13 at smallville here, sv_fanfic here, and old_school_clex here
Series: No Justice
Dirty Talk: Bad Boys And Punishment (post 1, story 1)
Heat/Hot Days/Sweaty: Wherein The League Gets TMI (post 1, story 2)
Kryptonite, Pink/Purple/other: The Fiancé Versus The Bad Boy, Round 1 -- Fight! (post 1, story 3)
Flying/Floating: Wherein A Trap Is Sprung (post 1, story 4)
Tight Spaces/Trapped: Timeout, Back To Your Corners (post 1, story 5)
Bad Day: Wherein Lois Does Not Get Shot (post 1, story 6)
Wild Card: The Unholy Alliance on Shaky Ground (post 2, story 7)

Prompts left:  "Fairytales/Folklore", "Ghosts/Hauntings", Falling in Love, Fork in the Road, "Wooing/Courtship", "Pets/Stuffed Animals", "Imprisonment/Captivity", Geographical Isolation, "Food/Cooking/Mealtimes", "Castle/Mansion", Anniversary, "Masters/Doms/Slaves/Subs", "Harlequin AU/Historical AU", "Inanimate Objects/Animals AU", "Cars/Trucks/Vehicular"


Here's my second clexmas Bingo! Challenge card (2011):

Lake / Swimming Pool / Sauna
Truth Serum / Truth Spells
Cows / Cow Products
Kisses / Butterfly / Eskimo
Bubble Bath
Everyone Thinks They're Doing It
"Save Me"
Journeys / Quests
"I Love You"
Bullet Wounds
Courtship Rituals
Pretend Marriage
Forced Marriage / Soulbonding
Daily Planet / the Torch
Fear of Flying / Heights
Writing on the Body
Meteor Shower
Film / Photography
Coming Home
...also for easy reference :)

Completed Bingo:

Bingo In-progress:


Here's alterna-fics that aren't for the Bingos!
Let Them Eat Pie for tasabian 's birthday :)
Series: Men of Steel
"Hello, Metropolis! My Name Is ____" (part 1) -- WIP, SV-DCnU fusion, Clark/Lex
Masks for jlvsclrk as a Halloween 2011 request! :) -- prompt was "Clex (old school). costumes"
Series: Friendship Is...
Spooky Stuff -- for the Smallville Big Bang! (This originally started life as a prompt for my first clexmas Bingo! Challenge card as an individual fill, but it kinda grew and expanded so much that I thought it best used for this purpose instead.)
...On Which Earth? for svmadelyn's birthday :) -- Marvel Movie!Verse, Tony Stark+Steve Rogers
Random Chistmas-y fics (2011):
I Saw Luthor Hating Santa Claus

clexmas Holiday Stocking Stuffers 2011:
Open-Me-First On Christmas Eve
Let It Snow
There They Go A'Caroling
fic_promptly comment fics (from Dreamwidth):
If I Die Before I Wake... -- DCU, Teen Titans, Conner/Tim

Series: Triads
Sit Before Lex (And Take It) for me_ya_ri from her excellent cracktastic prompt :)
Series: XMas 2011
Master Post is here, includes: "A Smallville Christmas", "Comfort and Joy, Comfort and Joy", "The Morning After(Noon)", "A Very Young Justice Christmas (Bah, Humbug!)"(forthcoming), "All I Want For Christmas Is...", "The Valentine's Day Wars, In 7 Takes", Trust, Affection, Aggression. --Not The Same Thing.
Series: Learning Curve:
Lexmas, Interrupted
Aliens 601, For Humans (Part 1): (1/3), (2/3), (3/3) -- a birthday gift for jlvsclrk
Aliens 601, For Humans (Part 2): (1/2), (2/2)
That Dark Black Heart -- one-shot
Series: Labyrinth Earth:
What Does Not Kill You...
Damnit Luthor! No More Magic! -- birthday fic for twinsarein
Terms and Conditions, Some Restrictions May Apply -- birthday fic for tallihensia
O', Warrior Angel, Mine! -- for bradygirl_12's 2012 DCU Angel challenge
Series: Easter!Clark, Stubborn Lex:
And Lo, The Stubborn Shall Inherit The Clark (originally a Bingo fill, see above links)
Don't Quote Me On This for twinsarein's 2012 smallearth Easter Basket
Solve This Equation: Movie Night + Popcorn + Clark = ? for bradygirl_12 and twinsarein
smallearth Easter Basket Fills:
I'm going to copy these all over to AO3 as a collection sometime soon (along with whatever names/stuff that I had, gotta refind my original Evernote post and copy stuff over to GDocs... these are short-explanations in the meantime)
Don't Quote Me On This for twinsarein (previously listed above, original post lives here)
Ficlet for caremikaelson -- cross-dressing Oliver, Chloe/Oliver, Lois/Clark
Ficlet for flareonfury -- Clark/Zatanna, Clark/Mia, Clark/Chloe, Chloe/Oliver, Zatanna/Oliver, Mia/Oliver, Zatanna/AC (all non-explicit)
Ficlet for pippii -- Easter Egg hunt, Clark, Oliver, Bart, Chloe, Lois
Ficlet for babydracky -- Bart, Oliver, AC, introducing AC to the holiday
Ficlet for mandatorily -- Carter vs. Lois+Courtney+Dinah+Zatanna (guess who wins *eg*)
Ficlet for bringthefate -- Victor, spending Easter with the League, out and about :)
Ficlet for crazy4ew -- Clark/Lois, red-K Clark
Ficlet for svgurl -- Clark/Lois/Oliver (3-not-triangle)
Ficlet for personaleclipse -- Clark, Lois, Oliver, Lex, post-S10, Clex as friends, Easter-drinking-game
Ficlet for rjchasez -- Clark/Chloe
Fic for karraparis -- Lex, Martha Kent, Chloe, Bart, Oliver, Clark, Kara Zor-El, Lionel, (no Lana), spending Easter together, Kara+candy=um... yeah... ^_^;;
Various random fics, mostly one-shots:
"No Offense, But Why Were We Friends?" -- will become a larger series later
The Trouble With Assumptions -- a nicnac918 bounce
Death and Those Who Wield Power -- darkfic-ish, kinda
And I Shall Name Him Muffins -- pure, unadulterated crackfic
The Highest-Rated Show On Television
Series: Genderswapped Clex:
Girls Just Wanna Be Boys Again, Thanks (Part 1)
Girls Just Wanna Be Boys Again, Thanks (Part 2)
(WIP, ongoing on AO3)
Timeshared (Part 1): (1/3), (2/3), (3/3)
Series: Divergent Persona:
Crying Into Scotch
Sweet, Cold Revenge (...sort of)
...What The Hell Just Happened?
Life Happens (...Well, Shit)
Touchy-Feely Crap (All Liquored Up and No Place We Wanna Go)
Series: This Could Have Happened, This Is The Way Things Are:
Heed your warnings on this series -- here there be mindcontrol and darkfic
Slave (to your Master be true)
But When All Is Said And Done...
Series: ...Who Needs Rescuing, Again?
...Clark Is Actually Pretty Ok With This, Thanks (Part 1 -- And So It Begins...)
...Clark Is Actually Pretty Ok With This, Thanks (Part 2 -- Lois Gets In On The Bromance Shipping): (1/3), (2/3), (3/3)
...Clark Is Actually Pretty Ok With This, Thanks (Part 3 -- Wherein Lois Attempts To Serve Lex A Reality Check): (1/3), (2/3), (3/3)
Series: Divergent Descent:
(Things Fall Apart and) We All Fall Down
Logic, And Things Like It
Other stuff, AO3-exclusive for now ( also listed here):
The "AU 'Verse of Nicnac's The Friendship Plan" series: (read her series first)
"Plan C-and-three-quarters" and "Family Outings of Being A Good Family plans (Unabridged Log)" (the first is complete, the second is ongoing, but nominally at a stopping point, no cliffy)
"Horror, Unimaginable", which admittedly needs some work because I didn't do any research before posting, really, completed fic though a rewrite will be coming sometime/eventually, tagline: "...Because really, after what Lionel did with Helen, how else would he top that?"
Cotton Candy Bingo Ficlets: series link here, are a bunch of light and fluffy Clark+Lex fics, currently includes "A New Day", "I Don't Think So", "...And Sometimes Lex Just Needs A Hug", "Lex And His Plans", "So a man walks into a bar...", "Random Luthor Villainy, Take One"
"Monster Under The Bed" -- a post-Avengers 2012 movie crack!fic starring the entire Avengers gang + Loki (no Clex here!), complete, tagline: "Loki hides. Thor finds him. Monsters ensue. ...The Avengers are not pleased with this development."
"...And Sometimes The World Just Conspires Against You", complete, first in a series, tagline: "Lex Luthor is the president-elect. He holds a party to celebrate this. Zatanna shows up. ...Yeah, it goes downhill from there."
"Rose Potter -- The-Girl-Who-Lived", WIP, ongoing, a girl!Harry Potter story I'm writing because Nicnac challenged me to bring it on ;), tagline is pretty much as given here ^_^

Locked fics (WIP, etc.) to be moved offline for LJ-work:
Clexmas Bingo! Challenge, Type: Tic-Tac-Toe, Prompts: Fairytales/Folklore, Camping, Ghosts/Hauntings -- WIP, some writing done, partial outline written
Clexmas Bingo! Challenge, Type: Postage Stamp, Prompts: Costumes, Food/Cooking/Mealtimes, Masters/Doms/Slaves/Subs, Harlequin AU/Historical AU -- no real plot yet


Teasers, because yes I am that evil >:-)

(these are only a few of the middling-active ones currently (that I haven't started to post yet -- see above for other WIP's), not a complete list by any means and in no particular order... can we get any more disclaimers in here? *headdesk*)

A Very Young Justice Christmas (Bah, Humbug!) -- #4 in the "XMas 2011" series, specced out but not much written yet
--untitled 1 and 2-- -- next two fics in the "Triad" series (outline is set but needs to be written down) -- I have story ideas for at least four fics in this series, though (oy) *hides from me_ya_ri in the meantime*
Lex Luthor and the Amazons -- outline for two fics (fairly cracktastic)
Beginnings -- tag: an accidental kiss leads to in Luthor being labeled a homophobe and Superman resigning from the League; two lives change wildly -- some parts written and outline for first half of the fic
Love & Marriage ...and Love -- monster epic that I only have 3/4-plotted out, necessitated mashing up season 5 and 6 together as the "backstory" so that the premise works (I already have the timeline worked out for it so's I don't go completely batshit crazy though, which is always good)
Blood Ties -- 5K and maybe halfway there, rough outline for the rest
Lollipops and Lex -- tag: a creepy five year old gives Lex a lollipop; misunderstanding ensues -- 4K so far, missing a good chunk of the middle piece and a final coda at the end
Aunt Polly -- another Clark/Lex fic with-Amazons-in -- 5K and counting just to get past the initial setup for the premise (the "dream sequence"), outline for the rest is mushy in my head (not written down yet)
Interlude: Learning Trust -- deleted scene from "Spooky Stuff" -- Clark POV when he's upstairs in the bath, approx. 2K, really needs those last tiny edits so it can be sent off to my beta then posted :)
Family Stuff -- next fic in the "Friendship Is..." series after "Spooky Stuff" -- 3K and nowhere near done, with a very rough outline of the next chunk of the series

last updated 2012-09-27


master-fic-list, sv, clexmas-bingo-2011, marvel-movie!verse, dcu, fanfic

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