the official kate bahn summer reading list [for personal use only]:
light in august- william faulkner tropic of cancer- henry miller sons and lovers- d.h. lawrence women in love- d.h. lawrence lost illusions- honoré de balzac troubled sleep- jean paul sartre chaos- james gleick pale blue dot- carl sagan
i went for my job interview at whole foods today, dressed all nice and conservative, looking like a good kid. but the person who was supposed to interview me wasn't even there. i'm terribly disappointed
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i feel a bit sad and a bit hopeless. it's really scary to realize you will never see someone again. and it's really pathetic to be too shy to say goodbye.
tonight was good. i'm not used to boston yet, but i see potential for this summer. no cows, lots of asphalt.
i puked by the camp fire last night and i'm very embarassed.prior to last night, i hadn't puked for a long time. i broke my no puking record. my head hurts this morning and i've been up for too long to not yet be hungry.
in an instant messanger conversation with me mom, she said to me (please excuse her poor spelling): "wehad a really good time at teh bat mitzvah. maybe you can have one. maybe we hsould becomde jews agan"