Title: Passions Fandom: Pandora Hearts Pairing: Vincent/Gilbert, vague mentions of Gilbert/Oz Rating: R for sexual references and some violence Warning: General lack of sanity and brotherly relationships gone really wrong. A/N: Un-betaed. Liberal punctuation? Disclaimer: Pandora Hearts and its characters belong to Jun Mochizuki.
Title: Since the day I lost you [ready, steady, go!] Author: kannuki_neru Word Count: 150 Pairing: OT5, hinted Yunho/Jaejoong Concrit: Always :) Rating: G A/N: Deathfic. Un-betaed.
Title: leave your gloves at the doorstep Fandom: Kuroshitsuji Pairing: Sebastian/Ciel Rating: PG13 Words: 137 Warnings: Suggestive themes. Un-betaed. Disclaimer: Kuroshitsuji belongs to Yana Toboso.
Title: Trade Rating: R for references to sex. Pairings Vincent/Gil Word count About 170. Warnings: Incest, angst and slight spoilers. Un-betaed. Disclaimer: Pandora Hearts belongs to Jun Mochizuki.
Title: Command Author: kannuki_neru Word count: 100 A/N: Thanks to my beta moon1048 :) Written for dbsk-flashfic challenge 32: Tyrant Concrit?: Appreciated! Pairing: Jaeho Rating: pg-13 Summary: Jaejoong knows how to talk in words the leader will obey.
Title: I give you all Author: kannuki_neru Word count: 100 Concrit?: Yes please :) Pairing: Jaeho Rating: PG13 just to be safe Written for dbsk-flashfic challenge 31: Unspoken Summary: Until there wasn’t anything between them (not anymore)