I had dream this morning that I was hanging out with a woman named Elena Kagan. I realized upon waking where the name had come from, but in the dream she was not a candidate for the Supreme Court, though was briefly the focus of national media attention
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I've been brewing a bunch lately (a honey ale and a British-style "Real Ale"), which means I've been prepping lots of bottles to put beer in. You can buy clean new bottles, but with enough foresight its cheaper just to wash and re-use commercial bottles of the right sort. But you don't want your beer in something with a Sam Adams or a Guinness
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Mssr. Pollan caught people's attention on The Daily Show the other day, stating that Americans get 20% of our calories from HFCS, and that we eat 240 lbs of sugars every year, and I can't make his math add up. USDA says (see esp. tables 50-53) that we eat a total of about 140 lbs of sugar every year, something like a third of which is HFCS -- about
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I ran across this while working on a reference question today. Name the date! Ted Kennedy's no long with us, but much of the rest of it looks like 2009. It's not.
The rising cost and unsatisfactory state of medical care has finally got just about everyone impatient for a change. During the past decade, medical fees in the U.S. rose twice as fast
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