Pairing: Changmin x Yoochun Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst Rating: PG-13 Summary: Changmin whispers at him like a lover, touches him like a lover, holds him like a lover but never tells him he is.
Pairing: JYJ!friendship Genre: Comedy/Crack Rating: PG-13 Summary: With a new calender to put out the three are called to do a photoshoot and the theme could not be any more fun: NOT, TOTALLY NOT.ztarplay this is totally your fault
Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun Rating: PG 13 Genre: Romance (budding romance?) Summary: Wherein Yoochun loses all his things but gains something else entirely for ztarplay
Pairing: Yoochun/Junsu Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance Summary: Junsu knows the stage is where he belongs. Yoochun, on the other hand is just trying hard to find a place he can fit into. This is how they find each other.
Sometimes I just really want to delete my lj account along with everything I've written here. I know I don't really have people I talk to but when I do get a chance to talk to some I know I'll somehow miss those small interactions, and that's what's keeping me from deleting everything. I get so conflicted about it.