Thanks for writing me a story! I hope the prompts have given you some form of inspiration. I generally flail about trying to come up with specifics, as I tend to prefer types of stories rather than scenarios. If you want to take off on a tangent, you're welcome to do so.
I love outside POV and everything else that gives
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I am in shock. Someone picked up my long-shot prompt -- slash, they wrote me. In this fandom! A unicorn if ever there was one... though, possibly that's a horrible choice of metaphor under the circumstances. Particularly given the lack of fade-to-black. Hee
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Thanks for writing me a story! I hope the prompts have given you some form of inspiration. I generally flail about trying to come up with specifics, as I tend to prefer types of stories rather than scenarios. If you want to take off on a tangent, you're welcome to do so.
So yeah. Haven't been doing a whole lot of writing lately; there was a brief attempt to get back on track in November and Life just said "uh, nope!" Attempt take two forthcoming, because I have a LOT of WIPs I'd really like to get back to and finish
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