I have been making progress on the sweetbag (slowly) but have not posted in a while so here it is. Hopefully, I can get moving on this and get started on the other side.
No work for a whole week! I finally feel like sewing again. The boy is sick (some sort of pneumonia like thing) and had to go back to the doc today, but after that we went to Jo Anne's and I found some turquoise/lime green shot silk (small slubs) that matches my turquoise wool. I wanted to find some velvet ribbon I want to fold into 1/4-1/2"
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I was hoping to post a sweetbag update with a completed section of silver, but there is still a little left. In my mind I have divided the image into 3 sections, the left and lower section, the center top, and the right lower section. I have about 30 minutes of work to have the left/lower left section done, but instead I cleaned all weekend
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The background is going much better thanks to the help of eowyna. It's also not bothering my eyes as much. It makes me sad to think how much time I wasted on the other attempts, but I will focus on the positive (very unlike me). I have really only been working on this because I am very burnt out on sewing for some reason. I have lots of things floating
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I think I am going to go blind working on the silver background of my bag! The thread is so reflective that it makes my eyes hurt as I work on it, but it looks pretty!
I have finished the tent stitching on the first side and am working on the background. I've decided to leave the centers of the flowers for last since I don't want them to be
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The family got back from WOW III this afternoon. I have almost everything unpacked and spent the afternoon cleaning up the loft (my sewing room). I organized all my drawn out patterns. I usually draw everything out on painter's plastic and then make my adjustments from there. Usually I just toss them on the table when I am done with cutting
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I'm super annoyed with myself. I have been working on my English Fitted Gown (EFG) from TT. I have the bodice together except the sleeves and trim. I finished off the armscye and attached the left sleeve without trying it on. I spent most of the evening attaching that stupid sleeve. About 11pm last night I tried it on and the armscye is too
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