May 25, 2005 14:44
so ivysaur was leaving work yesterday and she said goodbye to some people in the office and walked out the back door to her car.
she looks down and see's her skirt is TUCKED in her pantyhose!!!!! fucking bitch, thinking she can just show me off to the world. have a little respect for your butts, people!!!
May 09, 2005 12:08
dude, WTF!
for the past few days, i keep getting wedgies, but only on the right side of me, what's going on?!?!? a came?!?!?!
Mar 24, 2005 13:57
so i got back from lunch and two of the ladies in the office commented on how thin ivy looks and how she looks great (since the diet). then nicki says "check out her rear!"
compliments from a lesbian make my buttaliscious day ;)
Feb 24, 2005 12:06
man oh man. ivy is such a bitch for taking me snowboarding. i HURT!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 10, 2005 11:08
dude, there needs to be a club that plays 80's/90's hip-hop/rap/booty shakin music. i need to shake myself to some old school.
in other news, i'm losing weight and fitting into pants better and that is awesome.
Dec 08, 2004 16:46
pants today suck. i mean blow. i mean hard. they're always so low that no matter what i show. i see others showing too. cracks, everywhere. a society of crack. *sigh* i hope things change soon... us butts are PRIVATE!
Dec 01, 2004 15:33
some days i get so tired of sitting i want to scream. day in, day out, same old chair. i want to feel the wind in my cheeks, i want to bounce around in the warm sun, oh god, SET ME FREE!!!
Nov 29, 2004 09:14
friday night went to axis/radius to see z-trip con zak's butt y anna's butt. it was funny, some guy totally slapped anna's ass and she chased the guy down and yelled at him. it was hilarious. way to stick up for your ASS, anna!!!
in other news, i itch.
Nov 22, 2004 15:00
i've finally discovered the defination of "turtiling" and i hope to say i never come across one of THOSE turtles, EWWW!!!
GET OUTTA DER!!!1!!one!!1!!