YAY!!! The email from the MEFAs was waiting for me this morning with good news:
Passing received Second Place in Races: Elves: Incomplete
Thank you, Oshun, for nominating this story! *hugs*
A Matter of Cultural Differences received First Place in Genres:
Humor: Elven Legends
Thank you to Viv for nominating Erestor! XD
Rambling a bit... )
Comments 42
And thank you also for reviewing 'Nightingales' -- I really can't find the words to say how happy your comments made me! So I won't struggle to, but seriously, I've been bouncing ever since. ^^
As to my review, I'm glad you liked, but as I said, it couldn't possibly do your work justice; you are an amazing writer! Did you receive the results yet? (hope you don't mind me asking)
It was my first time in the MEFAs too -- well, I still feel pretty new to fandom in general, to be truthful -- so I totally share your feelings. Actually, I keep checking the results email to be sure I haven't misread it. You never know. :'D
Congratulations!!! It's so well deserved. *hugs*
But IMO, you've actually written even better stories, so who knows what'll happen in the future. *g*
>>intended to be programmatic rather than a proper story<<
IIRC, some of the reviewers caught on to this, but they still liked your writing (yep, I was reading reviews the other day).
>>I keep checking the results email <<
hehe - weeeeeell, I must admit I counted points on January 1st because I could tell from the review numbers that things were looking good. Just couldn't believe I'd counted right.
We had a wonderful MEFA-debut, didn't we? XD
Next year I am going to ask, about April, if any-one on my f-list is in the MEFA's for 2010 - that is not exactly friend-voting as I deliberately friend people I read, but I do not tend to read the MEFA's site otherwise. I read on the archives.
I've also decided to set up a list of stories on the messageboard where I write, so I can ensure either the stories I am reviewing are nominated or if they are, to pop over to review them on the MEFA site as soon as possible and then mark them as done. I think that way I may keep track more easily and do more.
Hugs and congratulations again. :)
About keeping track of fave stories who are nominated, I certainly need a plan, too. Have this nagging suspicion in the back of my mind that I may have overlooked some wonderful stories.
In 08 I did keep a running list, which seemed to help, but I was not long into the fandom then, so it was not a one.
Hugs again!
There is that, yes. But in my case, it's mostly lack of planning, really, but I'm getting better at saving links to favourites so with a bit of luck I'll do better next year. :-)
(Also, RL wasn't so good this autumn, so reviewing became a hectic race against time in the last days of the voting season. That's NOT the way to go about it.)
I'm only sorry about not managing to review nearly as many stories as I'd planned. My wish list is still half full. :-(
lol - glad to hear it!
I hope you'll get well soon.
Hugs Binky xxx
How did your stories do?
I remember reviewing one on 31 December, but by then I was, unfortunately, pretty much 'burnt out' on reviewing (and it showed!). Rather pathetic - had months to review, but no, no: Procrastination prevailed. :-(
“How did your stories do?”
In answer to that, my LJ post will come. ;)
lol - won't spoil the surprise, eh? I'll keep an eye out for the post. ;-)
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