Hey guys, I just got the Dear Celine carousel horse jsk in the mail, and it's too goddamn big. I let (for some stupid reason) the seller talk me in to getting a large instead of a medium, and of freakin' course it doesn't fit. Anyone want it before it moves on? I must be PMSing because I'm seriously about to cry because of this. :(
My sis took some video of me; alas I did not realize she was recording until the end, so it's mostly awkward standing. She's also warning you to turn off the audio, which is people saying, "are you recording?" and her humming loudly, lol!
Just back from visiting the sis: eating sushi, meeting a new lolita, buying polka-dot socks, and seeing a movie show; what a nice trip! Next time we visit, we are going to see the Joplin Spooklight. Hooray!