MasterFic List

Jan 10, 2024 23:50

I decided to organize my journal and make some things easier to find. I'll do my best to keep this updated as much as possible. ^^♥

  Title: Secretly Plotting
  Pairing: Hanchul
  Rating: G
  Summary: Heechul finds a package on his bed one night.


Title: I miss you
  Paring: Hanchul
  Rating: PG
  Summary: Heechul falls apart after news of Hangeng’s lawsuit


Title: What is love?
  Pairing: Hanchul
  Rating: Pg-13ish
  Summary: Heechul says he doesn’t know love and Hangeng wants an answer.


Title: Broken Toy
  Pairing: Hanchul
  Rating: Pg
  Summary: Hangeng breaks Heechul’s favorite toy and has to pay.


Title: Defense Mechanism
  Pairing: Hanchul
  Rating: G
  Summary: Heechul wants an answer.

  Title: Birthday Cake
  Pairing: Hanchul
  Rating: G
  Summary: Heechul wants to bake Hangeng a cake for his birthday.

  Title: Date Gone Wrong 
  Pairing: Hanchul
  Rating: G
  Summary: Heechul and Hangeng decide to go out on a date but an unexpected visitor changes the course of their date.

  Title: Confessing is hard enough without being ignored
  Pairing: Kyusung, ninja Eunhae
  Rating: Pg-13
  Summary: Kyuhyun hasn’t been able to spend anytime with Yesung to confess and time is running out before SJ M goes China again.


Title: Find me, Birthday boy
  Pairing: Kyusung
  Rating: PG
  Summary: Jongwoon ends up spending his birth running around Seoul following a bunch of notes


Title: Storm of Memories
  Pairing: Kyusung
  Rating: PG
  Summary: Memories of each other pour down like a raging storm.


Title: Trouble with a Gamer Boyfriend
  Pairing: Kyusung. Minor Zhoury
  Rating: PG-13ish
  Summary: Kyuhyun convinces Jongwoon to play Final Fantasy.


Title: Love is a Pain
  Pairing: Kyusung
  Rating: Pg-13
  Summary: Kyuhyun visits with his family one day and comes home rather annoyed.


Title: Revenge, But You'll Like It
  Pairing: Kyusung
  Rating: G
  Summary: Yesung gets revenge for his birthday by making Kyuhyun play a similar game.


Title: It takes only a week....and a year: Part 1, Part 2
  Pairing: Kyusung, Mentioned Hanchul, Eunhae, Kangtuek, Simin
  Rating: PG-13
  Summary: Jongwoon is on his vacation from his service and meets Kyuhyun.


Title: Fighting Never Helps
  Pairing: Kyusung, KRY
  Rating: G
  Summary: Kyuhyun all of a sudden starts fighting with Jongwoon over every little thing.


Title: Sometimes It's Too Much To Take
  Pairing: Kyusung
  Rating: PG
  Summary: Kyuhyun qualifies for a tournament but annoys Jongwoon in the days leading up to it and goes too far.

Title: He knows.
  Pairing: KRY
  Rating: PG
  Summary: Ryeowook visits Kyuhyun in the hospital after his recent accident.


Title: Public Confession
  Pairing: Eunhae (Tiny bit of Kyusung)
  Rating: G
  Summary: It's Eunhyuk's birthday and Donghae makes it really special.


Title: Winter Serenade
  Pairing: Eunhae, Kangteuk, Simin, KRY, Hanchul, Kyusung, Zhoury (in that order)
  Rating: PG-13ish
  Summary: Series of Winter/Christmas proposals/confessions.


Title: Christmas with Suju   
  Pairing: Kangteuk, with kid suju
  Rating: G
  Summary: Christmas wtih kangteuk and their 13 boys


Title: School Day
  Pairing: Hanchul, Simin, Zhoury, Kyusung, KRY, Kangteuk, Eunhae
  Rating: G
  Summary: Short scenes with a day in class with little suju.


Title: Let Me Put You On Hold
  Pairing: little Kyusung, Yunjae, mentioned Yoosu, ninja hanchul
  Rating: PG
  Summary: In a fight between DBSK and Suju, Yesung gets kidnapped but Heechul really needs to talk to him.

Chapter Fics:

Title:Light Even in Shadows
  Pairing: Kyusung/KRY, Hanchul, Eunhae, Kangtuek
  Rating: PG-13ish
  Summary: Kyuhyun doesn't know why he was running away, but once he does he ends up living together with twelve other guys who all have found a home together. (Sucky summary)

Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12


Title: Some Things Can Never Be Forgotten
  Pairing: Hanchul and others
  Rating: PG-13ish maybe not sure yet
  Summary: Heechul moves back to Korea after years of living in the US. He meets a group of students who have an interesting secret and finds out a secret about himself and all his dreams


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