Massive thanks to my beta readers Bex, and Lauren3210. Thank you to everyone who is reading this. Thanks for every one who takes the time to comment here and on FF. I have to say I'm super crazy pumped for the next episode of TVD.
Bet Me; Chapter 8; Intro to Soul Gazing )
Comments 44
I wonder what Damon and Elena are going to write in those notebooks....maybe something truthful?
Whoa for the Katherine twist....there is no way she'd forget Damon willingly so something's up with her.
Awesome job!
Update soon!!
Why the heck is Katherine there & what game is she playing?
Does she really not know them or is it a facade?
They didn't need the steam of the shower. They generate enough heat without any assistance. Brilliant chapter as always Michelle. I love the mystery of this too. I think Von Gruber is alot more cunning, evil than they can begin to imagine at this point in the story. They meed to watch their backs.
I'm anxious to watch DE collect, process the clues & decimate Klaus's evil machinations...
I really liked this chapter...Not too much overt sexual tension, but lots of sweet moments with underlying tension! I can't wait to read more!
But I really want you to take it easy and don't exhaust yourself. Seems like you are pushing yourself a bit hard.
Take good care of yourself!
excellent story, amazing chapter.
please, update soon. :)
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