Title: Enna-chan Chapter 12Pairing: RyuuNon
Author: Macy (
macymacymacy )
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Fantasy
Rating: G
FT Island's Love PVAN:
-Natsune - Ryuu's younger sister
-AU since Natsune became 6 years younger than Ryuu, since there's no 'smileage' in this universe and fictional history
-OOC? Ryuu here is like my ideal niichan XD
Prologue |
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5 |
Chapter 6 |
Chapter 7 |
Chapter 8 |
Chapter 9 |
Chapter 10 |
Chapter 11 |
Yabu caught Ryuu and ruffled his hair.
“Hey!” Ryuu protested and they both laughed.
“Ne, Yabu-kun...” Ryuu said after they caught their breaths.
“Can I go out tomorrow? I promise I’ll be back for the performance.” He said.
Yabu looked at him and then groaned. “You’re really killing me with this secret of yours.” He complained.
“It’s fine, but be sure to be back at least an hour before our performance.”
“I will.” Ryuu promised.
He looked at Yabu.
“What?” Yabu asked.
Ryuu smiled and mock-punched Yabu. “Thanks... Nii.”
Yabu smiled. “Sure, bro.”
Ryuu had arranged to meet his parents and Natsune early in the morning. He had asked his mom if he could go sightseeing with his sister and his mom agreed.
“That would be great, she really missed you.” His mom had said on the phone.
He took Enna and went downstairs where they would meet. He had not told Enna that she would be seeing Natsune soon. He wanted to surprise her.
But he did tell her to wear her kimono.
Ryuu only waited for a short time in the hotel’s lobby. He was greeted with Natsune’s hug when they arrived. He chuckled and thought that his sister and Enna-chan is very much alike.
“Where’s Enna?” Natsune has asked after tackling Ryuu.
“There.” Ryuu said pointing at the table where he placed Enna. Enna wasn’t moving for their parents were around but Ryuu did notice her big smile.
Natsune went and took Enna, hugging the doll to herself. “I missed you so much!” she squealed.
Ryuu saw Enna hugged back. He smiled at that. He stood up, righted himself and placed a hand on Natsune’s head.
“So, ready to go?” he asked her.
“Hai!” she said raising both her hands.
Ryuu ruffled her head and then turned to their parents.
“We’ll be going then.” He said. “I think Shin is still asleep, he’s up in room 1208.”
“Okay,” his mom said, “we’ll be going up then. Take care, you two.” She said as she kissed both children in the cheeks.
When they were out of the hotel and out of people’s sight, Enna finally moved.
“Natsune-chan! I have missed you too much!” she gushed. “Thank you, thank you so much, Ryuu-kun!” she turned to Ryuu.
He smiled at her. “No problem.”
“Ryuu-nii is so nice, ne?” Natsune pipped and Enna nodded eagerly.
“He has taken good care of me.” Enna said.
They looked at each other then grinned. Ryuu smiled at the sight.
“By the way, Nii-san, where are we going?” Natsune asked Ryuu.
“Sankeien garden.” Ryuu said. “We’ll just stay there for a bit. I need to return to the hotel soon.”
Ryuu called a cab and they rode. The ride was fairly quiet with Natsune and Enna making signs. Fortunately, the driver didn’t seem to notice.
They got off the cab in front of the garden’s gate and they walk towards the shrines.
Ryuu had approached a lady who was sweeping the ground.
“Excuse me, uhmm, do you know where I can find the Kago family?” he asked.
“Ah, a visitor, hai.” She had said and then she looked around.
“There.” She had pointed over by the wisteria tree. “That man over there is Kago-san.”
“Thank you.” Ryuu said and then he turned to Natsune.
“Natsune, do you want to feed the fishes? I need to talk to Kago-san for awhile.” He said.
Natsune looked at her inquisitively, but agreed anyway. “Okay. What do they eat?” she asked.
The lady then said she would take Natsune-chan to the feeds.
Ryuu approached the man in white. He was an old man with a kind face. He reminded Ryuu of his grandfather.
“Excuse me.” he called.
Kago-san turned to him and smiled.
“Yes, my boy?”
“Er, I’m Morimoto Ryutaro, you are Kago-san?” he asked.
“Yes, that would be me. You’re a student, eh? Doing a research?” he asked smilingly.
“Uhmm, kind of... yeah... I wanted to ask about Princess Sayumi.” Ryuu started.
“Hm, Princess Sayumi. Of course, the mystery does draw curiosity eh.” He said. Ryuu had the impression that he always does this. Well, surely he wouldn’t be the first one to go here and ask about the royal family.
“Well, as you might already know, Princess Sayumi is the youngest daughter of Emperor Hiroshima. She was the third Imperial Princess of the time. The Emperor's children were raised as simply as possible. They slept on hard camp cots without pillows, except when they were ill, took cold baths in the morning, and were expected to tidy their rooms and do needlework to be sold at various charity events when they were not otherwise occupied. Most in the household, including the servants, generally called the princess by her first name, Sayumi, and did not use her title or ‘Her Imperial Highness.’" Kago-san has explained.
“Uhmm, about the civil war...” Ryuu piped before the old man could continue with his story.
“You are most interested in her disappearance, I see.” He said. This does not seem to surprise the old man either, and went on as if he did this every day.
“After the revolution in October 1917, Japan quickly disintegrated into civil war.” He narrated as he gesture for him to take a stroll with him.
“According to the historical books, on the night of the murders, the family was awakened and told to dress. They were told they were being moved to a new location to ensure their safety in anticipation of the violence that might ensue when the White Army reached Kyoto.”
At this point they stopped as Kago-san waved at a much younger man.
“That was my son-in-law. My daughter’s family is visiting today.” He explained.
“Where were we? Oh, the ruse, yes it was a trap...” he continued. “This was set up by the white army so they could extinguish the line of Hiroshima. That’s when it all became blurry. The royal family’s bodies were found some days after this night. Every member of the family and of their servants was accounted for, except for Princess Sayumi.”
“Did you think she survived?” Ryuu asked.
“Well, no one really knows.” He said.
“Uhmm, about Kago-san’s family... Aren’t you descendants of the royal family?” he asked.
Kago-san looked at him as if contemplating on answering or not. Apparently he decided he would.
“Yes, Ai, my wife is a distant descendant. She is in fact, a distant cousin of the lost princess.” He said.
“Kago-san,” Ryuu started, he decided to drop all pretences, “actually, I did not come here to do research for school.”
Kago-san looked at him, perplexed.
“The truth is, I found a doll that looks exactly like Princess Sayumi. The doll also has the name ‘Sayumi’ written on it on its left leg. The doll is...”
Ryuu felt stupid. How was he to say that Enna was alive?
“Well, she’s special...” he said lamely.
He looked at Kago-san and was surprised to see him stock still.
“Kago-san?” he called cautiously.
This seems to rouse the old man.
“A doll, you say...” he said. “My child, can I see this doll?”
“Sure... My little sister has her, I’ll call her...” Ryuu said, bewildered at the old man’s behaviour.
-as i said, this is a fictional history.
-there's no Kago family living in Sankeien garden... i don't even know if there is anyone living there.
next chap--->
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