Title: The Little Prince
Author: Masuhisa
Pairing: Matsumiya, Sakumiya, Aimiya, Ohmiya
Summary: Yamada Taro is the son of an extremely poor couple, and has to work extremely hard to feed his family. But everything changes when his parents admit that he was adopted, and his real family finally found him after 18 years.
Disclaimer: Don’t own.
[Prologue] [Chapt 1] [Chapt 2] [Chapt 3] [Chapt 4] [Chapt 5] [Chapt 6] [Chapt 7] Chapter 8:
“Kazu! Wake up!” cried a thunderous voice as Kazunari felt something extremely heavy land on him.
“Masaki…?” asked Kazunari groggily, “it’s still early!”
“8am is not that early!” replied the taller male enthusiastically, bouncing up and down on Kazunari’s bed in an attempt to wake the other man up, “we want to maximise the time we have left!”
Seeing that there was no way Masaki was going to let him sleep, Kazunari unwillingly got out of bed to change out of his pyjamas. Still in a half-asleep state, Kazunari let Masaki drag him out of his room to the older male’s bottle green sports car which was waiting outside the main door.
The moment Masaki sped off, Kazunari was wide awake. With the wind blowing in his face and howling in his ears, how could he not be?
“We’re going to have so much fun today! Just the two of us!” cried Masaki happily, pushing the accelerator further down.
“Just the two of us?” repeated Kazu, “aren’t the others coming?”
“Nope! It’s just you and me!”
The sports car came to a complete stop at a car park near a shopping complex. Masaki signalled for the other man to exit the car and follow him. The two ended up in an empty arcade, empty since it was only 8.15 in the morning.
“Let’s play to our hearts content!” shouted Masaki gleefully, inserting whatever coins (which was a whole bag full) he had into a machine.
It was then when Kazunari discovered his love for games. He and Masaki went around the whole shop playing everything single one they had. The rest of the morning was spent laughing along side Masaki as they cleared levels after levels or him making fun of Masaki’s gaming skills in a joking kind of way.
They would have skipped lunch and continued on their gaming spree, but somehow Masaki managed to hear Kazunari’s stomach growling above all the noise and he mentally slapped himself. In his hurry to go out with the latter, he had completely forgotten that Kazunari hadn’t had breakfast yet and it was close to noon. Worried about his smaller man’s health, Masaki dragged him away from the machine despite the protest and headed to the food area.
“What do you want for lunch?” asked Masaki, looking at Kazunari and frowning slightly as he noticed that the other man was super skinny. He was about to hit himself for not noticing that before.
“Hamburger,” said Kazunari at last, eyeing a promotional board of a fast food restaurant nearby.
Grinning, Masaki and Kazunari dashed towards the restaurant and joined the queue. After placing and receiving their orders, Masaki carried their tray loaded with two burgers, fries and sodas, to a table in the corner. As the two ate their meal, they started talking about the games they just played, which ones were fun and which ones were lame.
“Kazu, you have something on your face,” Masaki pointed out.
“Where?” asked Kazunari, trying to brush off whatever bit of food that got stuck to his face, but somehow, he always missed.
“Here,” said Masaki, reaching out. His four fingers cupped around Kazunari’s cheek while his thumb gently brushed off the stray bit of bread. Once the food was off his face, Masaki knew he should pull away, but Kazunari’s cheeks felt so soft that he didn’t want to let go.
He snapped out of his trance and laughed sheepishly. Flushing slightly, Masaki continue to devour his burger, hoping that his food will hide his now red face. The pair finished their meal without anything else happening, unless you count Masaki knocking over his drink.
Kazunari thought that day was extremely fun, one of the best ever, tied with that day Sho brought him out, but sadly, all good things have to come to an end, and that end was when school started….
Kazunari sat in the limousine, fidgeting like crazy as he played with his fingers to ease his nervousness. He can’t remember the last time he felt so anxious about something as he noticed that the limo had drove past the gates.
Dressed in his new maroon uniform, Kazunari peered out of the tinted windows, wanting to get a glimpse of his new school. From what he could see, the campus was huge and there were several red brick buildings surrounding the giant courtyard where students also in the same maroon uniform were talking with their friends.
His grip on his bag tightened as the limo pulled to a stop. As he reached out to open the door, someone beat him to it and the door swung open, so trying his best to remain calm despite how nervous he felt, Kazunari exited the car.
When he got out, he nearly fainted from shock - in front of his feet laid a long stretch of red carpet, two rows of teachers lining either side of it.
“Good morning, Ninomiya-kun,” greeted the person who opened the door for him, “I’m Takizawa Hideaki, principal of Eitoku University,”
Kazunari nodded in reply, his tongue, like the rest of his body, too stunned to reply.
“I’ll be leaving Kazunari in your care then,” said Sho, who exited from the other side of the limo together with the other three, before walking off to their class.
“This way, Ninomiya-kun,” gestured Takizawa, extending his arm in the direction of the red carpet.
Hesitantly, Kazunari placed a foot on the carpet, wondering if he was imagining things. Everything just seemed so surreal to him. A red carpet rolled out for him? That was way too dramatic to be real. But sadly, everything around him wasn’t a dream, he was really in the posh school for the rich.
“This is your class,” said Takizawa, opening the door, revealing a big classroom and all his classmates already seated at their desks, “I’ll leave you with Imai-sensei,”
The teacher, who Kazunari assumed was Imai-sensei, his class teacher, strode up to him, introduced himself and then guided him to his seat. Kazunari froze in surprise at the sight of his table. Unlike the other plain metallic brown ones, his was made out of glass and the legs of the table were carved with beautiful designs. It must have cost a fortune.
“This is my table?” he asked, wondering if it was a joke.
“Yes, Ninomiya-kun,” replied his teacher, “but if it’s too plain for your liking, I could get someone to get you a nicer one,”
“No, it’s fine,” he added hastily, sitting down at his table. His table was already so elaborate and his teacher thought it was plain, his school was starting to become really weird too.
Lessons began and Kazunari found himself trying to keep up with what Imai-sensei was teaching. He was starting to feel stupid for the first time, after all, he had absolutely no difficultly understanding what was thought at Ichinomiya, but at Eitoku…his head started to spin.
“That’s it for today,” announced Imai-sensei, “there will be a pop quiz on what I’ve just taught tomorrow,”
In the blink of an eye, Imai-sensei appeared right at Kazunari table, “but you’re exempted from the quiz of course,” he added to Kazunari.
“Why is he exempted?” cried a student sitting beside him, “that’s not fair!”
Before anyone could react, a whole swarm of body guards working for the Ninomiya family appeared and surrounded that student. And before anybody could get a word in, two of the guards hoisted that student by his arms and dragged him out of the class, the rest of the guards following behind.
Kazunari’s jaws dropped in shock. Thankfully, the lunch bell rang, distracting everybody from what he just happened. In groups of twos and threes, his classmates filed out of the classroom.
Sitting at his seat watching everybody else leave, Kazunari was starting to feel a bit lonely. He hadn’t realized it, but after spending so much time with Sho, Satoshi, Masaki and even Jun, he had gotten used to having someone around him, but now, it was just him in an empty classroom.
As he gave himself a bitter smile, Kazunari exited the classroom, hoping to find someone to have lunch with. The moment he stepped into the corridor, everybody halted what they were doing and turned to stare at him. But before he could say anything, all the students and even teachers, turned and fled.
Kazunari pouted. So, everybody was afraid of him after what those body guards did to his classmate. It looks like it’ll be an extremely lonely school year for him. Hands in his pockets, Kazunari walked around aimlessly, praying that he’ll run into Sho, Satoshi or Masaki… fine, Jun too.
After what felt like hours of walking, Kazunari found himself in the school garden, and still no sign of the other four. He sat down on the soft grass, trying to delude himself into thinking that he’ll be fine by himself.
“Excuse me,” said a voice, making Kazunari jump up.
He turned to face three other boys in the same uniform, two of them were his height while the third was slightly taller.
“Hi,” said the one in the middle, “I’m Tegoshi Yuya, these are my friends Nishikido Ryo,” he continued gesturing to the student on his right, “and this is Akanishi Jin,”
“I’m Ninomiya Kazunari,” he said, a smile creeping onto his face as he realized that there were actually people who didn’t think he was some bitchy person after what happened at class.
“We heard you like games, so…” said the one named Ryo, handing him a plastic bag.
Kazunari peered into the bag excitedly, “Cool, it’s the latest Dragon Quest game, how did you get it?”
“My father owns the company,” said Jin simply, “if you want any other games, you can always come to me,”
“Nino, would you like to have lunch with us?” asked Tegoshi. Kazunari didn’t know why his new friends suddenly called him by that nickname, but Kazunari didn’t mind much. Even before he could answer, Tegoshi had an arm around his and he and his friends led him to their table.
Note: Yes, i admit that the Aimiya-ness was very lame :P .... kindly excuse me if you find the chapt too rushed, i'm planning to finish this whole fic by the end of next week and i still hv another four more chapts to go. Thanks for reading!!