things like this are fun....and i was REALLY REALLY BORED!

Dec 06, 2005 18:07

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) How long would homboyjesushair dating quiteoutofplace last? not long
2) Are safehaven86 and hollypblack going out? no they are not
3) Would you set up thegoodson and sarahkatew? NO!
4) What flavor of jello would rlx2dmx be? gay
5) Do matticuslegrand and finding_godot go to the same school? yes we do. We live together actually
6) What planet should pwmerrick be from? Cannibus Planet
7) Would elementofnick and torietalbot make a good couple? no not at all
8) Are mykl_roberts and hugslut8237 married? NO! mykl is all about Amira
9) What animal should ragxdoll_ be combined with? something beautiful, like a butterfly
10) What would sarahkatew do differently in your shoes? ....i refuse to answer that. cause pretty much everything cause she is a whole hell of a lot smarter then i am
11) What do you disagree with secndhandthots about? lesbians.
12) Do you have gahdzuks's screenname? yes i do
13) Is grkgirl4life 1337? hahahaha NOT AT ALL
14) What color should techfiend dye their hair? he should keep it black
15) Where would inevitablykanuk most like to visit? Canada?
16) What is arevolution's favorite game? WoW i bet
17) Would rlx2dmx and mykindofcrazy look good together? not really. cause ricky is a total dork
18) What languages does acousticr0mance speak? english
19) What would you do if you found out annamack1707 has a crush on you? laugh, alot. but it would be cool cause its Anna
20) What is mykindofcrazy's favorite band/artist? Coheed maybe, or Relient K
21) Is kristen_boyeee dead sexy? YEAH! she is
22) What would you do if wontyoubemymuse died? be very very sad and depressed
23) If grkgirl4life commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? ...Black Zac
24) How tall is life_to_eagle? not as tall as I but i good size
25) Which president would the_elvin_one be likely to idolize? JFK
26) Have you flirted with kristen_boyeee? no way, shes like a sister to me
27) Is bamasuperman an emo? yes just a bit
28) What do you agree with stentorian1 about? life beliefs and pretty much everything
29) What animal does itwassummer remind you of? a dog. loyal and kind
30) Would living_regrets go out with torietalbot? no. never.
31) Where was loveandbetrayal born? a hospital
32) Has wontyoubemymuse been to your house/dorm? house yes, dorm no
33) What is life_to_eagle's favorite food? good food i imagine
34) When did you last call elementofnick? I dont think ive ever called nick
35) If mykl_roberts took over the world, who would be happy? I sure as hell would be. Cause Id be the backbone of the government. It would be the french club dictatorship all over again
36) elendil1984's eye color? brown?
37) What would annamack1707 think of acousticr0mance? i think they know eachother but not sure what Anna thinks
38) Is the_elvin_one popular? somewhat so
39) Where was __youfailme__ born? a hospital
40) Which of your friends should gahdzuks go out with? little Patrick (thats totally a joke guys)
41) Thoughts on homboyjesushair? I love the guy. He's my brother and he's been there to point out my stupid mistakes time and time again
42) What video game does gahdzuks remind you of? Clive Barker's: Undying
43) What song/movie would you recommend to sorei? Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, being fully aware that she has seen it and loves it
44) Is myruinedhands related to you? yes in a sense. I consider him family
45) How would bullettobinary_ conquer the world? with the Shocker
46) Is grkgirl4life introverted or extroverted? extroverted i beleive...then again i dont know which one is which anymore so who cares
47) Is ragxdoll_ a high school student? yes she is
48) Is myruinedhands in a relationship? yes he is
49) If ifakefrench were hanging off a cliff, what would elementofnick do? probably try to pull her up. he seems like he'd do the right thing
50) Does hugslut8237 drink? yeah
51) Is homboyjesushair single? No he is not, so go him
52) Are loveandbetrayal and ragxdoll_ going steady? hahaha no. large age difference there
53) Is itwassummer athletic? not to my knowledge
54) Does kelseytae have a dog? i think she may. either way it doesnt matter cause Kelsey is awesome regardless
55) How long have you known edgeofnight? since sophomore year
56) If quiteoutofplace and arevolution were spliced together, what would be its name? Mallina
57) Is peteh related to elementofnick? nope
58) Do you have a crush on grkgirl4life? nope (sorry callie)
59) What is ifakefrench's shoe size? 6?
60) Where did you first meet bamasuperman? high school. cant remember what class
61) One thing you can't stand about rissa_j? not even going to say anything about her right now
62) Would edgeofnight be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate no doubt
63) One quality you find attractive in lefttheretoburn? humour
64) Does safehaven86 travel a lot? not really
65) Does sarahkatew do drugs? no she does not. least not anything heavy. or i would hope not...come to think of it if she ever does ill kill her
66) Would you wrestle puertokrn in jello? hell YES!
67) What would glittery_grunge give torietalbot for his/her birthday? a book that would turn out to be life changing
68) Does living_regrets have a big secret? You guys seriously have no idea
69) What is stolenpoetry's favorite color? least for his Tux it is. (with grey chucks)
70) Could you see stolenpoetry and mykindofcrazy together? actually maybe so
71) Did mykl_roberts break up with you? ...yeah...WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME!?
72) acousticr0mance's hair color? was a brownish blond the last time i saw her
73) Does 2punk4this know bullettobinary_? no.
74) Have you ever dated hugslut8237? Nope, not I
75) Has pwmerrick dyed their hair? no, hes much too cool for that
76) Is gahdzuks a nerd? hahahaha HELL YES!
77) What word best describes loveandbetrayal? Gnoming
78) If _radiostillsuck and kimcutie were siamese twins, where would they be joined? the left and right leg.
79) Would you ever date grkgirl4life? no way
80) Do you think quiteoutofplace is hot? lets put it this way...YEAH!
81) What mental disorder does 2punk4this remind you of? ...Hustion i love you too much to dignify this with a response
82) If safehaven86 took over the world, who would suffer? EVERYONE
83) Does lefttheretoburn smoke? no?
84) Is hugslut8237 a college student? yes?
85) How would __youfailme__ kill itwassummer? in ways that are too horrific to write down here
86) What is puertokrn allergic to? Josh
87) If hugslut8237 and acousticr0mance were spliced together, what would it be like? very very strange
88) If edgeofnight was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? tooth decay
89) Does secndhandthots go to your school? no, not anymore. Miss you Ashley
90) What exotic animal would glittery_grunge like as a pet? a faerie. cause shes a nut like that
91) Is glitterfairy243 friends with bamasuperman? nope
92) What comic book character would homboyjesushair be? duh....Violent J or Shaggy 2 Dope
93) What is loveandbetrayal's biggest flaw? too nice sometimes
94) If life_to_eagle had a superpower, what would it be? super intellect...oh wait he has that
95) Does _radiostillsuck have a crush on glitterfairy243? no. at least i dont think so
96) Is hollypblack your best friend? not best friend but still a good friend
97) What rank would quiteoutofplace have in a giant robot army? Queen in charge of Invading Germany...again
98) What is hugslut8237's favorite movie? ...not to sure
99) How many monkeys could glittery_grunge fight at once and win against? 1
100) Would you make out with itwassummer? no probably not

also I have B-Ball practice tonight. Blount Men's team first practice so go us.
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