and so is Thankseating, but sadly, not Thankscleaning. Burnt apple pie filling spill on the bottom of the oven promises to stick around until Christmas.
Guess whose benefits are slashed deepest by the SS cuts proposed by the WH-hand-picked Catfood Commission? Only the people who earn the least. It's not like we need old people whose bodies have been broken by hard labor. Cull the herd!
1) raise the Social Security retirement age to 69 - when we are near 10% unemployment (and more like 22% real unemployment when you count people who have given up looking) - this will just make unemployment WORSE as it forces older workers to cling to their jobs instead of freeing up jobs to younger workers.
My family fussed all over yesterday. I got the Flavorwave Oven (but not Mr. T. lol), clothes, a new pair of sunglasses, and best of all, an Owl necklace 13yo beaded for me.
Now I have to buy food to cook in the Flavorwave. Pork chops!!!!
I feel bad about my state senator though. On his own merits he would have won; very unlucky that he was on the ballot in a year that was a referendum on whether the Dems stink or not.
And I feel really bad about the libraries -- they are already under budgets cuts; they'll be barely hanging on now