I've started reading it, but had to deal with a 4yo who needs some action, so instead of reading about climate change, I'm going outside to plant onions and carrots. I'll finish it later.
SCOTUS Blog is reporting a filing in federal court asking that the right to gay marriages be recognized under the federal constitution. Morality aside, it's an interesting move to have Prop 8 in California overturned. The argument is that gay couples are being denied due process and to legal equity. While that's true, it doesn't mean it's legal
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reanastormblade is asking people to go here and send a letter to your congresscritters asking to give a tax credit on hearing aids. As many of you know, her youngest daughter is deaf and requires the aids to function in a "normal" world. For some stupid reason, insurance companies and the feds have decided that hearing aids are cosmetic and they aren't covered
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The beautiful sweater I've been working on the past few months for myself turns out to be the wrong color and style and a smidge too small for me. Thus, it turns out, it is not my sweater, as I thought all these months. It's Andy. Who is very happy to have another, very nice, wool sweater that looks really good on him
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It's going to be one of *those* summers. Quick trip to the ER last night. M had been outside rolling around with D. Apparently his pollen combination asthma trigger has occurred. He had a neblizer treatment and steriods for the next 5 days. It was fast, considering they were packed. Less than an hour.