ooc ∂ Timeline + CR

Jun 02, 2011 00:45

IC Timeline

June '11
06-06; [ Video ] [ Welcome to Somarium ] [ + C.C., Omi, Euphemia ]
06-10; [ Video ] [ Welcoming committee ] [ + Alice ]
06-10; [ Video ] [ Sleepovers ] [ + Renge ]
06-22; [ Video ] [ Those are impressive airships you've got ] [ + Cid ]
06-22; [ Dream ] [ The Seven Swells ] [ + Zoey ]
July '11
07-01; [ Log ] [ Rebuilding efforts ] [ + Denmark, Cid ]
07-07; [ Video ] [ Boys will be boys ] [ + Ron ]
07-07; [ Video ] [ What'd I miss? ] [ + Dominic ]
07-11; [ Log ] [ Where'd the cake go? ] [ + Honey ]
07-22; [ Video ] [ Point me to a bar ] [ + Bela ]
07-22; [ Video ] [ Show yourself, sorcerer ] [ + Arthur ]
07-23; [ Log ] [ Signal Post: riot ] [ + Snake ]
07-26; [ Video/Action ] [ Zombie apocalypse ] [ + Zoey ]
August '11
08-09; [ Video ] [ My new restaurant ] [ + Cid, Omi, Arthur ]
08-14; [ Log ] [ Welcome to Beams ] [ + Cid, Tyki, Alistair, Snake, Omi ]
08-17; [ Log ] [ Aren't you a bit old for park toys? ] [ + Kotetsu ]
September '11
09-14; [ Dream ] [ Lifting and thoughts of home ] [ + Snake ]
09-22; [ Video ] [ Why do you need target practice? ] [ + Schuldig ]
09-24; [ Video ] [ Murders and homeless little girls ] [ + Javert ]
10-17; [ Log ] [ Lost little girls ] [ + MaryWeather ]

OOC Timeline

06-04; [ OOC ] [ Intro ]
07-05; [ Meme ] [ How's My Driving ]
07-21; [ Meme ] [ Pimp My Character ]
08-19; [ Meme ] [ Pimp my Character ]
09-28; [ OOC ] [ Hiatus ]
10-07; [ OOC ] [ Back from Hiatus! ]
10-14; [ Meme ] [ CR Meme ]

Character Relationships
Updated sporadically and once two or more threads have been made. If you think your character belongs here, let me know!Cannon

[ Name ]; [ username ]
Blurb goes here


[ Cid Highwind ]; [ smokesinspace ]
Cid is a cranky, foul-mouthed man. But he also happens to be an excellent mechanic and airship pilot, so at least he has Ray's respects there. While these Skyrunners are nothing like the lifting boards she had back home, being in the sky reminds her way too much of Charles for her to just give up the chance.




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