Title: Texting Part 8
Pairing: Kurt/Puck
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None that I can think of
Summary: Just random texts between Kurt and Puck
A/N: I've stopped questioning why I write what I write. Now, I just smile and go with it! :)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7If I was smart, I'd make a master list post... shame I'm too lazy too right now...
Same deal as always, Kurt is in italics and Puck in Bold! ENJOY!
The square root of 32 = 4 X the square root of 2
I knew this, but thank you
This is what I’m learning in class…
It’s boring
Welcome to school
I mean, it’s really really really really easy. The least they could do is challenge me
That’s right, I forget you’re really good with math
I’m not GOOD with math, I’m BRILLIANT with math
Oh, excuse me, I apologize
Thank you, and you know how you can make it up to me?
Not sending sexts to you in school
Why not?
Was the all caps necessary?
Okay, just asking
Yes Noah
That’s cute, you call him Noah
What do you want Santana?
Nothing, just playing on Puck’s phone
Does he know you have his phone?
No. If he knew, I doubt I’d be talking to you right now
Right, excuse me for a second
What are you doing?
Letting my wonderful boyfriend know that he no longer has his phone
You’re welcome love
When the hell did she take my phone?
Don’t know. All I know is she texted me on your phone like a minute ago.
Yes, yes it is.
No. Now, pay attention, Rachel is complaining
Baby, I can’t sleep
Why doesn’t this surprise me?
We aren’t in school right now
But, it won’t be fun if you expect it
Yes it will be
Nope, I’ll only do it when you aren’t expecting it
I don’t like this idea
Oh well.
Can I at least call you?
Good morning sunshine!
Don’t be like that! Today is a great day!
Okay, I’ll bite, why?
Does a day need a reason to be great?
Explain your reason.
Fine. One year ago today, your father said, “You could do worse.”
… … … … …
It’s the anniversary of the day your dad basically approved of me
Then, come over for dinner
Can I stay fir dessert??
Maybe, depends on how the day goes
I shall be on my best behavior! And as to prove it, I’m jumping in my car and driving over to pick you up!
Not going to be ready for another 40 minutes or so
That’s fine! I like watching you get ready!
No, you like distracting me as I try to get ready.
Not my fault you’re so sexy! I just can’t keep my hands off you!
Very true
SOOOOO, I’m jumping in my car! Shall be there in 10
Drive safe