I would have liked to do some kind of video montage for the footnotes, but it occurs to me that if I haven't gotten around to it in the last year, I probably won't do it in the next
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Despite its title, this chapter makes more references to The Faculty (one of Jon's better bad movies, co-starring Elijah Wood) than anything else. The whole thing is available on YouTube, but you'll at least want to check out part 9 and part 10.
Well, now that Midterms, Round One is over, and I'm back from my adventures in meeting cool people at school, I can get to posting this. And it's only ten minutes after the day! Anyway, here she is; ( Chapter 13: The Tie Goes South )
And so we bring you a written update! Huzzah for the long break. I've got to say that this chapter has had me the most joyous, if not just for the Georwen, then also for the locale (Muck Fichigan! I can't help it =/).Without further delay, I bring to you: ( Chapter 11: Many Midwest Meetings Midtacular )