Translation Index V2

Jan 12, 2011 22:14

I just tried to edit the old post, and the formatting got all funny and it said the post was too long. D:
Sooo, here's a more compact new version! Hopefully it's easier to use, too.
The old post can still be found here, it has a few useful things that I left out of this.

Blue Japanese text links to the official site; orange English text links to a translation here.
Blue English text is graciously provided by Google Translate, and I'm too lazy to delete it all it might give you some idea of what the page is about?

カレーの話  *Curry Story*

大和さんが喋るそうです。 *It Appears the Yamato-san is Speaking*


I do not want another site full of this guy!もうこんな男だらけのサイト嫌だ!

零戦燃ゆ * Zero Fighter in Flames*

陸軍参上 *The Army is Here!*

How to beat the enemy Chiha チハが敵に勝つ方法

Together various色々まとめ

Not a cartoon, but a lot together漫画じゃないけど色々まとめ


sleeping giant(米軍まとめ) *Sleeping Giant (American Army Collection)*

ニホンノミカタ~ドイツカラキマシタ *An Ally of Japan, Here From Germany!*

U ② bunch togetherU房まとめ②

Jun kun kun zero.零くんと隼くん。

Conclusion air combat group空戦組まとめ

Kiri Mati is a!きりちまなのである!

Ichi The Army today 今日の陸軍・その壱

はじめまして武蔵です *Nice to Meet You, I'm Musashi*

空母着艦の際はご注意を *Caution When Dealing With Aircraft Carriers*

Army VS Navy海軍VS陸軍

Thank popularity contest!人気投票有難う御座います!

Or SM.SMとか。

U.S. forces together ② 米軍まとめ②

Or questions like setting.設定とか質問とか。

零くんとヘル猫 *Rei-kun and Hellcat*

メッサーとスピット *Messer and Spit*

Today the Army弐 今日の陸軍・その弐

最終兵器ハト。 *Pigeons, the Final Weapon*

Nora and her cat Musashi武蔵ちゃんとノラ猫

Rising Crane Musashi-chan武蔵ちゃんと瑞鶴

Correlation diagrams or illustrations or相関図とかイラストとか

Summary submarine潜水艦まとめ

Or questions about the film Summary映画の話とか質問まとめ

G and her aesthetic Chimachimaちまちまと耽美Gちゃん

Deutsch people.ドイチュの人達。

Army weapons ① Series 陸軍兵器開発シリーズ①

トムにゃん。 *Tom Nyam*

Small illustration or story.小ネタとかイラスト。

きいちゃんを探せ *Find Kii-chan!*

Tiger and Pantherパンターとティーガー

Air combat group together.空戦組まとめ。

Usable material series使える素材シリーズ

設定&リクエスト *Settings and Requests*


I Nya Tom ②トムにゃん②

Like a small story小ネタとか

メッサーとスピットⅡ *Messer and Spit II*

Nyanko's servicesビスさんとにゃんこ

Haruna-chan's turn榛名ちゃんのターン

宇宙人が攻めてきた! ! *The Aliens Are Invading!!*

そろそろシャーマンも *Now, Sherman too*

Today's Army Sherman今日の陸軍・・・とシャーマン *Today's Army...and Sherman*

モンペとネコ *Trousers and the Cat*

Has been attacked by aliens!宇宙人が攻めてきた! ! 2

Summary tank set戦車組まとめ

Akagi's Mutsu's陸奥さんと赤城さん

Added services and submarine潜水艦とビスさん

Like a small story小ネタとか


パロとか私服落書き *A Sad Love Story* (partial translation)

Dark Comics
潜水艦のはなし *The Story of the Submarines*
Shino Hana kind person 優しい人のはなし
Pearl Harborパールハーバー

Character Heights
Author's Notes
Fanworks Rules
Character List

Please comment if anything is incorrect, and other mods, feel free to edit as needed.

translation, official website, information

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