I'm back from a week in Seattle! And what a difference a week makes! The sky is much lighter already in the morning. Though I'm still having issues with taking a picture that is not blurry. I keep trying different settings but can't quite seem to get good results. At some point there should be enough light it won't be a problem. In the
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On the eve of my departure to nearly the most northern point of the Pacific coast in the U.S. I bring pictures of nearly the most southern point of the Pacific coast in the U.S.!
The sun is starting to lighten the sky a bit more each morning. And I just love that deep lapis blue color of the night sky as day starts to peek over the horizon.
So, with the time change I'm suddenly back to going into work before dawn. Lovely. This ought to be good as the sky lightens and I take pictures of my tree. Sadly though, with so little light my ability to take pictures that aren't blurry is a little inhibited. But here's today's results anyway:
Today was one of those quintessential Mondays. You know, the ones that suck. I got up and out the door on time on my way to lightrail to take into work. Walked out to my garage and found a car blocking my driveway so I couldn't get out. I live in a condo complex but parking in someone's driveway is an immediate tow offense. I didn't have time
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I'm a week later than I originally intended, but here are a bunch of pictures from two weekends ago. And LJ was giving me all kinds of trouble trying to post these, so hopefully they'll be correct. Below the cuts.