ps. So I got the pump yesterday & its going well. Strange to be attached to something 24/7 (except when you shower) but I think it will be easy to get used to. It's a totally different way of thinking too... but thats all a part of the getting-used-to-it thing. I almost lost the damn thing a few times while
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Holy shit, we are moved in! I just got my desktop computer set up in our condo & I have Semagic on it so I thought I'd update. Matt & I bought a condo in town. It's fantastic.
So, with 2 1/2 months left of living with my parents, I'm definitely taking advantage of every second of home-cooked meals & having my ever-loving horse right in my backyard. You never realize how special a simple convenience like that is until you are about to lose it.
As I sit here in pain, recovering from my wrist surgery, I reminisce about the good times. Winter riding - extremely awesome & incredibly unflattering.