Why is it that I always have to find out about this bullshit on-line? I was a little disturbed when I first read this, and I wanted to defend myself, but I think this has reached ridiculous proportions. I first came here to apologize to you molly, but I figure you live for this kind of drama. Jessica Creamer is my best friend, I have nothing negative to say about her. It's obvious this was just a vehicle to start and perpetuate drama, stemming from something that happened a long time ago. I will admit, we had a few awkward moments (or at least on my part), but suffice it to say that's all they were. Let this be a means to an end, our two groups of friends were not meant to mix. Let's all just keep it that way, and leave it at that. For the sake of closure, I am sorry Molly, sorry drama follows you where ever you go.
for the record, i do not get a kick out of this sort of trivial drama. it is however interesting to note that it only seems to follow me when it involves your group.
im sorry that some stupid misunderstanding led to all this. im just trying to clear this all up. not because its a big deal that a small, inconsequential rumor started, but because it was being used to question my character.
i dont have anything against you, and i dont hate any of your friends. but i agree that all this is not worth it. goodbye.
Comments 16
at least i know someone else has had to deal with the absurdity of these kids before.
youre included among them.
whoaaa isnt it true you like made out with carrot top? I read that somewhere on the internet...
carrot top is ripped! hottie!
im sorry that some stupid misunderstanding led to all this. im just trying to clear this all up. not because its a big deal that a small, inconsequential rumor started, but because it was being used to question my character.
i dont have anything against you, and i dont hate any of your friends. but i agree that all this is not worth it. goodbye.
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