Wow, so it's go time, it seems. We've got stuff happening in the shop soon, and work is a fun place for that. Got 43 on my BLU. I need ot lvl THF to 26 before i can get back on my BLU, though, this two on BLU, one on THF shit is getting old like... fast. I'm tired of that monkey being on my back >< Oh wellz. Hooah night shift.
21 hours days suck. 21 hour days where the 3 off hours are of sleep in three seperate instances suck even worse. Being isolated by a random selection that violates multiple Army Regulations is teh suck
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Goofy and hawt... fun combination. It appears teh secksy wife is ALSO a Jedi... leading me into the following discussion, which has been in my head for the past few days
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