Hm, I think I'll be done with the next chapter of WCS by at least the end of this weekend. I'm already over the usual amount for a chapter, but there's a lot of editing and filling in blanks that I have to do. Hopefully I'll get this plot moving along a little quicker. ^-^ I'm rather excited.
Had to re-pierce my left ear today because for some reason it decided to partially grow over. It kinda hurt, but it didn't bleed. >.< The reason for doing this being I just got my Griever earrings today and they're fricking sweet
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Okay, so the night before last I was up till midnight reading Fast Food Nation for Elective History class, so I had really weird dreams about Walt Disney and Ronald McDonald...>.> <.< It was kinda weird
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I took a really long nap today. It was good. ^-^ I've been sleeping a lot lately. I've just been really tired. Can't do anything, can't even sit and read, my eyes can't concentrate.
At least I only have one more day of school and then I'm free for a while.