To really know what it is we're doing, popover to our new wordpress blog, it holds all our craft, woodwork and gardening achievements, plans, successes & failures. If you want to see my photography related stuff go here.
So what is a "balanced" lifestyle, what is "managing" for me? How far can I push myself? What's too much and what's too little? I'm scared of doing too much and scared of doing too little but I have no idea how to find the balance
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Yeah, so way back when I first started this blog it was to help me deal with the ME/CFS issues I was having. It's been a while since I I've blogged about anything but now seems to be the right time to pick it back up again. I'm scared, I'm angry, I'm frustrated and I'm pissed off. This isn't fair! All I ever wanted was to be a stay-at-home-mum. The
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It seems that I am achieving nothing at the moment. Pip and I have been swapping around who will be sick - him-me-him-both! grrr! Poor guy has been miserable for the past three days with only brief patches of happy. Last nights bath was a great success, but over all too soon. I'm really dropping the ball as far as housework and other household
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Not really sure what's going on with me at the moment. My health/energy levels seem to be all over the place, one day I'm all go-go-go and the next I'm dragging myself out of bed, and encouraging the eating out/take-aways for the days meals. I'm pretty sure it isn't CFS rearing it's ugly head again, perhaps it's weather fluctuations + stress and
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While we are supposed to be packing (again!) Pip is happily keeping himself entertained pulling books OUT of the box :) sooo cute (he's also babbling away as he plays). Today he has also started pulling himself completely out of his cot and onto the bed, really need to put the rail up now. I tried to have a nap and he tried to prevent it, by
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I've been thinking about how to "reward" or "punish" children (once they are old enough to understand the concept of course). I've noticed people using charts with stars, everytime the child is good or does something good or positive, the are rewarded with a star, when they are bad they have a star taken away. A certain amount of stars = a "treat
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I just keep feeling like I want to cry. Things are pretty good around here, money is working, deposit has mostly been paid on our land, we have some where to live in a few weeks right across the road from our block of land. I just feel like I have all this bottled up emotion that needs to come pouring out in a flood of weeping but I have no real
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