Usually, right around this time I do an end-of-year review. That's coming, I promise, but right now I'm focusing on finishing my statement of purpose. It needs to be perfect.
For the 2-3 months leading up to when I left for Japan - 5 years ago next month - I had nightly dreams about the new home I'd never visited. I knew I'd finally settled in when I started to have dreams in which I understood the words around me and didn't have to make apologies to my own subconscious for being a gaijinWhen I returned from Japan - a
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The thing about uploading my daily food log? Yeah, short-lived. Not only is it hella boring, I found it actually achieved the opposite of my goal. I was hoping that knowing I'd have to admit to what I eat would keep me from eating. Actually, it just made me not want to be truthful in my log, which totally defeated the purpose of a log
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