Sweat My world has changed since we met Long empty streets, shadow and vignette You are the focus of my lens I never would have bet That I'd feel something for you But that's not a regret
Harrowed serpents stretch through the distressed sky, eating the sun’s last light. Street lamps forge motes of dust into sulking elementals, shambling in a dying breeze. In my pocket, a phone that will not ring.
I attended the VNV Nation concert tonight (August 23, 2017). Ashlie had originally agreed to join me, but due to lack of a babysitter and personal issues she cancelled at the last minute. What to do with this extra ticket then, I wondered? I didn't feel like I knew many people into VNV that weren't already going, but pondering the question soon
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Does the body not revel in the dance? Does it not rejoice beneath the sun? Just as the body becomes alive in movement it seems to die in stagnation. Stagnation is difficult to overcome in the same way it is difficult to begin pushing a heavy boulder. The resistance is proportional to momentum
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The legacy of a father moves on to his son as he passes on into the next world... I hope you find the peace you never found in life. It has been ugly watching you disintegrate before my very eyes, but I can only imagine how you feel. I wish you could still communicate so that we could have a proper good-bye. I guess life is full of unfinished
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The Earth has a wobble called the Procession of the Equinox. It is a rotation of the Earth whose cycle is completed every 26,000 years. Sanskrit writings refer to it as "Going with the galactic winds". Within this cycle, the Earth leans toward or away from the center of the galaxy in differing degrees. Energy and consciousness are condensed more
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