Title: Vacation In Moonlight Fandom: FF VII Prompt: #7. Opportunity, Set VI Character(s)/Pairing(s): Tifa/Rude Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 2093 Summary: It had been Tifa's idea for them to vacation in Costa del Sol.
Title: Round One Fandom: Jackie Chan Adventures Claim: Hak Foo Other characters/pairings: Valmont Table/Theme Name & Number: Table VI: Open Rating: PG Summary: A sparring session.
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU Claim: George Huang/Elliot Stabler Other characters/pairings: Table/Theme Name & Number: Table four, #10, death Rating: T Warnings: Slash Summary: They worked with the worst part of life every day.
Fandom: Law and Order SVU Claim: George Huang/Elliot Stabler Other characters/pairings: Table/Theme Name & Number: Table 4, number 9: Thoughtful Rating: T Warnings: Slash Summary: Thoughtfulness isn't always good.
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU Claim: George Huang/Elliot Stabler Other characters/pairings: Table/Theme Name & Number: Table four, #8: Myth Rating: T Warnings: Slash Summary: Elliot never believed in love at first sight.
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU Claim: George Huang/Elliot Stabler Other characters/pairings: Table/Theme Name & Number: Table four, #7: Joke Rating: T Warnings: Slash Summary: Elliot lets the details about his relationship slip.
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU Claim: George Huang/Elliot Stabler Other characters/pairings: Table/Theme Name & Number: Table four, #6: Drive Rating: T Warnings: Slash Summary: George is called to D.C. by the FBI.
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU Claim: George Huang/Elliot Stabler Other characters/pairings: Table/Theme Name & Number: Table four, #5: Intentions Rating: T Warnings: Slash Summary: Good intentions can go bad.
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU Claim: George Huang/Elliot Stabler Other characters/pairings: Table/Theme Name & Number: Table four, #4: Safe Rating: T Warnings: Slash Summary: George only feels safe with Elliot around. ( Read more... )
Fandom: Law and Order: SVU Claim: George Huang/Elliot Stabler Other characters/pairings: Table/Theme Name & Number: Table four, #3: Fatigue Rating: T Warnings: Slash Summary: They always end up fatigued, but it's worth it. ( Read more... )