The Main Table of Contents
Inspired by Zelda_Queen the once evil Overlord Mikey fights the battle against evil fan fiction.
The Overlord‘s Battles:
The Chronicles of Sono Asahina Sono Asahina vs. Haruhi Suzumiya Fandom
Stockholm (Warning 18 and up. Trigger Warnings - the following fanfic contains graphic rape and pedophilia. It is evil!)
Nima Yuki vs. Axis Powers Hetalia
Dreamer’s Light Cliffstu vs. Harvest Moon
Michael’s Sporks:
These sporks are just for fun and don’t follow the pseudo-story above.
Crono’s Heart Trigger Terrible Chrono Trigger Lucca/Chrono fic with heavy slut-shaming and Marle-bashing.
Extras (Other Sporkers):
zelda_queendas_sporkingshaolinabluesunnydaysos_sporkersguardians_song Meme Attack!
Shipping and Fandom List Perhaps other treats await those who look for them?
Click here for the old Main table of contents<