Your wonderful Overlord's Table of Contents

Jan 01, 2000 17:43

Overlord Mikey is a former evil overlord turned good after a devastating battle with a fanfic and a mary sue. Originally trying to return to his former glory he stumbled upon Zelda_queen fighting the forces of Mary Sues and bad fan fiction. Her struggles filled him with a desire to also battle and he unlocked a new power; greater than his evil overlord powers, Sporking Magic.

He now travels from fandom to fandom; battling sues and generally bad fan fiction.

Completely Random Thought: The colour blue is the color of the colour blue...

Sporks and related things:
The main reason you’re probably here! These are the epic battles Michael has battled though. The things here are not pretty, but they need to be done. He is always looking for tips on where to find bad fan fiction so if you see one let him know.

Remember; don’t send these sporks to the fanfic author. I don’t need the hassle! I also don’t take credit for these fanfics - like I’d want to!

The Chronicles of Sono Asahina:
Target Mary Sue: Sono Asahina
Fandom: Haruhi Suzumiya
Michael first official adventure in sporking. Sono Asahina was a terrible suethor attacking Haruhi Suzumiya canon with his (yeah it‘s a guy) Mary Sue who shared his screen name.
The battle was fierce but with a little help Mikey defeated Mary Sue: Sono and regained some of his former power which he added to his Sporking Power.

Stockholm: (WARNING! 18 and up)
Target Author: Nima Yuki (Nickname: Yoyo Yuki)
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Michael faced off against this ghastly visage prepared to strike it down quickly, but the enemy was to much for him alone…

The Door to Darkness (Warning some parts may contain 18 and up content)
Target Sue: Gethsemane - I mean Hiromi and Mai.
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
It’s gethsemane butler, but the battle is on going.

Dreamer's Light
Target Author: Cliffstu…?
Target Sue: Jake as a self-insert sue.
Fandom: Harvest Moon
One must defeat the past to move on to the future... right? Anyway unintended Karen bashing abounds with plenty of tell not show...
However I should note that Jack is the most virile awesome-est manly man ever and totes not a sue 'k... [nervous smile]

Sporking Extras
Info on Michael and those who help him.

Other Awesome Sporkers:





Other Nice Things!:
Hey; I’ve got more than just sporking you know!

Character Report (discontinued, these are the only two I did):
The Lamp (from Princess Tutu)

Mikuru Asahina

About Mikey:
Harvest Moon: A Story

I feel Like Ranting

And because he’s a total attention whore; Mikey’s Account Link!

sporking with mikey, character report, happy memory, the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, welcome, mistakes on mikey's part, stockholm, liked characters, livejournal, princess tutu, sporking, suethor: gethsemane butler, the chronicles of sono asahina, suethor: cliffstu, harvest moon: back to nature, bad fanfiction, axis powers hetalia, suethor: sono asahina, suethor: nima yuki, happy memories, video games, haruhi suzumiya fandom, kingdom hearts, overlord mikey's ego? (table of content), the door to darkness, anime, about me, nanowrimo, harvest moon

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